- 主成分
- R1 Buffer\n Tris Buffer 500 mmol/, pH 11.25\n EGTA 90 μmol/l\nR2 Xylidyl Blue\n Xylidyl blue 0.28 mmol/l\n Detergent
- 適應症
- 測量血清、血漿和尿液中鎂濃度之器材。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 主成分
- R1 NADH\n NADH 0.18 mmol/l\nR2 Pyruvate 0.6 mmol/l\n Phosphate buffer 17mmol/l, pH7.5\n
- 適應症
- 測量人體血清和血漿中乳酸去氫酶的濃度。
- 主成分
- R1. Blank Reagent\n Sodium Hydroxide 200 mmol/l\n Na-K-Tartrate 32 mmol/l\n\nR2. Biuret Reagent\n Sodium Hydroxide 200 mmol/l\n Na-K-tartrate 32 mmol/l\n Potassium Iodide 15 mmol/l\n Cupric Sulfate 6 mmol/l
- 適應症
- 測量血清和血漿中的總蛋白質的器材。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 可結合NOVA Stat Profile 血液氣體分析儀和重症照護分析儀,同時完成分析發報告。
- 主成分
- The reagent set is sufficient for 100 tests and consists of the following reagents :1.<5% Quinidine ANTISERUM (Mouse)in buffer containing protein as stabilizer and <0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3mL). Cap label “A”2.<0.1% Quinidine -fluorescein TRACER in buffer containing protein as stabilizer and <0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3mL). Cap label “T”3.PRE-TREATMENT BUFFER containing a surfactant and <0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3mL). Cap label “B”
- 適應症
- 定量測量血清中的奎尼丁(Quinidine)總量。
- 主成分
- 詳如附冊及操作手冊
- 適應症
- CRT測量血清、血漿、腦脊髓液、全血及尿液中之酸鹼值以及氧氣、二氧化碳、鈉、鉀、鈣、氯、葡萄糖、鎂、鋰、尿素氮、肌酸酐及血紅素等含量。
- 主成分
- RF Assay Buffer\nRF Latex Reagent \n
- 適應症
- 體外定量人體血清中的類風濕性因子。
- 主成分
- R1. Assay Buffer \n Polyethylene Glycol maximun 4%\n Tris/HCl buffer 20 mmol/l, pH.4\n Sodium Chloride 150mmol/l\nR2. Antibody Reagent\n Anti (human) CRP \n \n
- 適應症
- 定量測定人類血清中C反應蛋白(C-Reactive Protein)的濃度。
- 主成分
- 詳如附冊及操作手冊
- 適應症
- M測量全血、血清、血漿中之酸鹼值以及氧氣、二氧化碳、鈉、鉀、鈣、氯、葡萄糖、鎂、乳酸、尿素氮及血紅素等含量。
- 主成分
- R1 : Buffer\n Ethanolamine Buffer 0.69 mol/l, pH 10.6\nR2 : Chromogen\n O-Cresolphthalein 0.09 mmol/l\n Complexone \n 8-Hydroxyquinoline 3.8 mmol/l\n Hydrochloric acid 34 mmol/l\n
- 適應症
- 用於臨床實驗室體外定量人體血清和血漿中的鈣。
- 主成分
- Reagnets:\n1 EA Reconstitution Buffer:Contains buffer salts, monoclonal anti-digoxin antibody, monoclonal anti-digitoxin antibody, monoclonal anti-T4 antibody, stabilizer, and presrvative.17 mL .\n1a EA Reagent:Contains enzyme acceptor, buffer salts, and preservative.\n2 ED Reconstitution Buffer:Contains buffer salts, stabilizers, and preservative.17 mL.\n2a ED Reagent:Contains enzyme donor conjugated to digoxin, chlorophenol red-β-galactopyranoside, stabilizers, and preservative.
- 適應症
- 用來定量分析人體血清或血漿中的狄各新含量。
- 主成分
- Haemoglobin Denaturant: porcine pepsin, buffer pH 2.4. Total Heamoglobin Reagent: sodium hydroxide 0.4%, Triton 2.5%, Octylphenoxypolyethoxyethanol 2.5% pH 13. Hb A1c R1: antibody reagent: HbA1c antibody (mouse) coupled particles <0.1%, bovine serum albumin, buffer, non ionic surfactant 0.6%, proclin 150 0.1% pH 8.1. HbA1c R2: agglutinator reagent: HbA1c hapten covalently attached to the polymer, bovine serum albumin, buffer, proclin 150 0.1%, non ionic surfactant 0.2% pH 2.0. HA3444: Heamoglobin Calibrators (6 levels)\nHA3445: Haemoglobin Controls (2 levels x 2)\n
- 適應症
- 用於臨床實驗體外定量人體全血中的血紅素A1c。
- 主成分
- R1. Buffer\n Tris Buffer 25 mmol/l, pH 6.5\n \n2. Enzyme Reagent \n Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) 6.3 mmol/l\n NADH 1.2 mmol/l\n Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase (PEPC) 200 U/l\n Malate Dehydrogenase (MDH) 600 U/l\n Mg2+ 8.0 mmol/l \n
- 適應症
- 體外定量人體血清和血漿中的二氧化碳。
- 主成分
- 1. Buffer: Pipes Buffer 100 mmol/l, TOOS 2.1 mmol/l, Sodium Azide 1 g/l\n2. Enzyme Reagent: 4-aminophenazone 0.4 mmol/l, Peroxidase ≥1000 U/l, Lactate oxidase ≥600 U/l, Ascorbate oxidase ≥10000 U/l\nStandard 4.44 mmol/l (40 mg/dl) \n
- 適應症
- 用於臨床實驗體外定量人體血漿和腦脊髓液中的L型乳酸。
- 主成分
- Reagents:1. < 5.0% Carbamazepine ANTISERUM (Sheep) in buffer containing protein as stabilizer and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 ml). Cap label “A”.2. < 0.1% Carbamazepine-fluorescein TRACER in buffer containing protein as stabilizer and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 ml). Cap label “T”.3. PRE-TREATMENT BUFFER containing a surfactant and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 ml). Cap label “B”.Calibrator: human serum and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative with carbamazepine.
- 適應症
- 測量血清中的卡巴馬平(carbamazepine)總量的試驗。
- 主成分
- Reagents:\n1. < 5.0% Phenytoin ANTISERUM (Sheep) in buffer containing protein as stabilizer and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 ml). Cap label “A”.\n2. < 0.1% Phenytoin-fluorescein TRACER in buffer containing a surfactant and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 ml). Cap label “T”.\n3. PRE-TREATMENT BUFFER containing a surfactant and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 ml). Cap label “B”.\nCalibrator: human serum and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative with phenytoin.\n
- 適應症
- 測量血清中的雙苯內醯脲(Phenytoin)總量的試驗。
- 主成分
- RANDOX Calibration Sera are based on lyophilized human serum.
- 適應症
- 使用於臨床化學試驗的校正品。
- 主成分
- This product is based on fresh human body blood to be a control serum of multi precision management for bio-chemical usage after adding and preparing the refined enzyme that extraced from the human body cell.
- 適應症
- 作為生化用多重型精度管理用控制血清。
- 主成分
- The reagent set is sufficient for 100 tests and consists of the following reagents:\n1. < 5% Digitoxin ANTISERUM (Rabbit) in buffer containing protein as stabilizer and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 mL). Cap label A\n2. < 0.1% Digitoxin-fluorescein TRACER in buffer containing protein as stabilizer, a surfactant and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 mL). Cap label T\n3. PRE-TREATMENT BUFFER containing surfactant (3 mL). Cap label B\nThe INNOFLUOR DIGITOXIN Calibrator Set consists of human serum and <0.1% sodium azide as preservative with 0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, 40.0, 80.0 ng/ml digitoxin:\nEach calibrator vial contains 2.5 mL, sufficient for ten dupli-cate calibration curves.
- 適應症
- INNOFLUOR DIGITOXIN分析系統利用螢光偏極免疫法(FPAI, Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay)測量血清中的洋地黃毒素(digitoxin)總量。
- 主成分
- 1 : Assay Buffer \n Polyethylenelycol 6%(w/v)\n Tris/HCl Buffer 20 mmol/l, pH7.4\n Sodium Chloride 150 mmol/l \n2 : Antibody Reagent \n Anti(human) transferring\n Tris/HCl buffer 20 mmol/l, pH7.4\n Sodium Chloride 150 mmol/l\n
- 適應症
- 用於臨床實驗室體外定量人體血清和血漿中的運鐵蛋白。
- 主成分
- Reagent:\n1.<5% Phenobarbital ANTIBODY (Mouse) in buffer containing protein as stabilizer and <0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3mL). Cap label “A”\n2.<0.1% Phenobarbital-fluorescein TRACER in buffer containing a stabilizer and <0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3mL). Cap label “T”\n3.PRE-TREATMENT BUFFER containing a surfactant and <0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3mL). Cap label “B”\nCalibrator: 1mL/Vial. prepared by gravimetric dilution of high purity phenobarbital into human serum free of phenobarbital at concentrations of 0,5.0,10.0,20.0,40.0 and 80.0 μg/mL.\n
- 適應症
- 利用螢光偏極免疫分析法定量測量血清中的苯巴比妥總量。
- 主成分
- 詳如操作手冊
- 適應症
- 血中氣體、電解質、血紅素、血紅素含氧量、葡萄糖、腎功能、乳酸及一氧化碳含量之定量分析。
- 主成分
- R1. BCG Reagent: Succinate buffer 75 mmol/l; pH 4.2, Bromocresol green 0.15 mmol/l, Brij 35, Preservative
- 適應症
- 用於臨床實驗體外定量人體血清或血漿中的白蛋白
- 主成分
- R1. Enzyme \n Tris buffer 80 mmol/l, pH 7.5\n L-aspartarte 240 mmol/l\n MDH ≥ 0.42U/ml \n LD ≥ 0.60U/ml\nR2. α-oxoglutarate/Coenzyme\n α-oxoglutarate 12 mmol/l\n NADH 0.18 mmol/l\n\n
- 適應症
- 用於體外定量人體血清或血漿中的麩氨酸苯醋酸氨基轉移酵素。
- 主成分
- #11015: 1. <5% Theophylline ANTISERUM (Mouse) in buffer containing protein as stabilizer and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 mL). \n2. <0.1% Theophylline-fluorescein TRACER in buffer containing protein as stabilizer and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 mL).\n3. PRE-TREATMENT BUFFER containing a surfactant and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 mL).\n#41020: human serum and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative. \n
- 適應症
- 用來測定血清中茶葉素(Theophylline)的總量。
- 主成分
- It contain buffer salts, <0.15% sodium azide and the following substances. \nSubstance Low High \nBovine Serum Albumin 0.45 g 0.3 g\nDigoxin * 0.02 μg\nN-acetylprocainamide ─ 0.15 mg\nProcainamide ─ 0.10 mg
- 適應症
- 用來校正分析人體血清和血漿中之Digoxin, N-acetylprocainamide, 和Procainamide 等的 CEDIA 分析套件。
- 主成分
- Reagents kit:1. < 5.0% Tobramycin ANTISERUM (Sheep) in buffer containing protein as stabilizer and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 ml).2. < 0.1% Tobramycin-fluorescein TRACER in buffer containing protein as stabilizer and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 ml).3. PRE-TREATMENT BUFFER containing a surfactant and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 ml).Calibrator set: containing human serum and < 0.1% sodium azide.
- 適應症
- 利用螢光偏極免疫分析法定量測定血清中的托不拉黴素(Tobramycin)總量。
- 主成分
- The Assayed Human multi-sera is supplied at 2 levels, level 2 and 3. Target values and ranges are supplied for the analytes listed in the value section at both levels.
- 適應症
- 此產品是為了體外診斷用的診斷試驗品質控制用。這個試驗的人類複和血清品管液是為了準確度的控制。
- 主成分
- R1. Enzyme Reagent\n Hepes buffer 52.5 mmol/l, pH 7.15\n Sodium chloride 87 mmol/l\nMagnesium chloride 12.6 mmol/l\nα-Glucosidase ³ 4 U/ml\nR2. Substrate\n 4,6-Ethylidene-G7 pNP 22 mmol/l \n\n
- 適應症
- 體外定量人體血清、血漿或尿液中的a型胰澱粉酶。
- 主成分
- Colour Reagent (100 mL) \nPyrogallol red 60 μmol/l \nDisodium molybdate 41.3 μmol/l \nSuccinic acid 150 mmol/l \nSodium oxalate 0.84 mmol/l\nSodium benzoate 3.5 mmol/l \nStandard (5 mL) \nProtein 1 g/l\nControl (10 mL)
- 適應症
- 在體外定量測定尿液和腦脊髓液中總蛋白質濃度。
- 主成分
- 詳見附冊
- 適應症
- 露華史丹伯法福斯分析儀將血液氣體分析項目的直接測量參數項目為:pH、PCO2、PO2、SO2%、Hct、Hb、Na+、K+、Glu、Lac、Ca++及Cl-。
- 主成分
- Reagents: \n1. < 5.0% Valproic acid ANTISERUM (Goat) in buffer containing protein as stabilizer and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 ml). Cap label “A”.\n2. < 0.1% Valproic acid-fluorescein TRACER in buffer containing a surfactant and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 ml). Cap label “T”.\n3. PRE-TREATMENT BUFFER containing a surfactant and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 ml). Cap label “B”.\nCalibrator: human serum and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative with valproic acid.\n\n
- 適應症
- 定量測定血清中的發爾波克(Valproic Acid)總量的試驗。
- 主成分
- #11012 : \n1.<5%Gentamicin ANTIBODY (Mouse)in buffer containing protein as stabilizer and<0.1% sodium azide as preservative(3mL)\n2.<0.1%Gentamicin-fluorescein TRACER in buffer containing a surfactant and <0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3mL).\n3.PRE-TREATMENT BUFFER containing a surfactant and<0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3mL).\n#41017 : human serum and <0.1% sodium azide as preservative. \n
- 適應症
- 測量血清中慶大黴素(Gentamicin)的總量。
- 主成分
- R1. Buffer\n Glycine Buffer 170 mmol/l, pH 8.3\n Sodium chloride 100 mmol/l\n\nR2. Latex Reagent \n Glycine Buffer 170 mmol/l, pH 7.3\n Sodium chloride 100 mmol/l\n Latex particles coated with Anti-Ferritin 0.07% w/v\nIT 2691: liquid Protein\n
- 適應症
- 用於體外定量人體血清和血漿中的鐵蛋白。
- 主成分
- R1. Buffer\n Pipes 100 mmol/l, pH 7.6\n ATP 4 mmol/l\n NAD+ 3 mmol/l\n Magnesium ions 15 mmol/l\n Sodium Azide \nR2/2. Enzyme Reagent \n Hexokinase ≥ 25 U/ml\n G-6-PDH ≥ 75 U/ml\n Sodium Azide \n
- 適應症
- 用於體外定量人體血清、血漿、尿液和腦脊髓液中的葡萄糖。
- 主成分
- R-I Buffer (#843060): 80 mL x 4\nBuffer\nR-II Color presenting solution (#843070): 40 mL x 4\no-Creswol peptide coordination agent >= 0.12 mmol/L\n8-Hydroxyl quinoline >=17.22 mmol/L
- 適應症
- 測量血清中鈣濃度的器材。
- 主成分
- 1. CK NAC/CK-MB Buffer/Glucose: Imidazole buffer 0.10 mol/l, glucose 20 mmol/l, Mg-Acetate 10 mmol/l, EDTA 2.0 mmol/l\n2. Enzymes/Coenzymes/Substrate/Antibody: ADP 2.0 mmol/l, AMP 5.0 mmol/l, diadenosine pentaphosphate 10 μmol/l, NADP 2.0 mmol/l, HK ≥2.5U/ml, G-6-PDH ≥ 1.5U/ml, N-acetylcysteine 20 mmol/l, creatine phosphate 30 mmol/l, antibody to CK-M\n3. Control serum\n
- 適應症
- 體外定量人體血清和血漿中的CK。
- 主成分
- #11018:\n1. < 5.0% Digoxin ANTISERUM (Rabbit) in buffer containing protein as stabilizer and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 ml)\n2. < 0.1% Digoxin-fluorescein TRACER in buffer containing protein as stabilizer, a surfactant and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 ml)\n3. PRE-TREATMENT BUFFER containing < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 ml)\n4. PRECIPITATION REAGENT containing < 1.0% polyvinylsulfonic acid and < 1.0% sulfuric acid in < 25% methanol (30 ml)\n \n#41023: human serum and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative\n
- 適應症
- 用來測量血清中狄各新(Digoxin)的總量。
- 主成分
- CP2476: HIGH SENSITIVITY CRP Control 1, 10 x 1 mLCP2477: HIGH SENSITIVITY CRP Control 2, 10 x 1 mLCP2478: HIGH SENSITIVITY CRP CRP Calibrator, 6 x 2 mL,1. Assay buffer\n Glycine 170mM\n Sodium chloride 100mM\n Sodium EDTA disodium salt dihydrate 50mM\n Bovine serum albumin 1%\n2. Antibody-Latex Reagent\n Latex particles coated with antibody to CRP
- 適應症
- 在體外定量測定人類血清或血漿中C反應蛋白(C-Reactive Protein)的濃度。
- 主成分
- Human serum derived lipid control.
- 適應症
- 用於測量直接高密度脂蛋白、直接低密度脂蛋白、脂蛋白(a)和脂蛋白酶A-1、脂蛋白酶B、脂蛋白酶A-II、脂蛋白酶C-II、脂蛋白酶C-III、脂蛋白酶E、膽固醇和三酸甘油脂之品管液。
- 主成分
- Reagents:\n1. < 5.0% Amikacin ANTISERUM (Sheep) in buffer containing protein as stabilizer and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 ml). Cap label “A”.\n2. < 0.1% Amikacin-fluorescein TRACER in buffer containing protein as stabilizer and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 ml). Cap label “T”.\n3. PRE-TREATMENT BUFFER containing a surfactant and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 ml). Cap label “B”.\nCalibrator: human serum and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative with amikacin.\n\n
- 適應症
- 定量測定血清中愛米康司菌素(Amikacin)總量的試驗。
- 主成分
- R1 Coenzyme \n Capso Buffer : 5 mmol/l, pH 9.65 ; NADH : ≧0.23 μmol/l\nR2 Enzymes/Substrate\n Bicine Buffer : 1 mol/l ; Urease : ≧16.2 U/ml ; GLDH : ≧0.9 U/ml ; <-oxoglutarate : ≧18.6 mmol/l
- 適應症
- 定量測定人類血清、血漿和尿液中尿素氮濃度。
- 主成分
- 詳如附冊及操作手冊
- 適應症
- Ultra 測量肝素全血、血清、血漿中之酸鹼值以及氧氣、二氧化碳、鈉、鉀、鈣、氯、葡萄糖、鎂、乳酸及血紅素等含量。
- 主成分
- R1. Detergent\n Hydrochloric Acid 0.1 mol/L\n Detergent 3%\nR2. DPD Reagent\n Dichlorophenyl diazonium \n compound 6.0 mmol/l\n Hydrochloric Acid 0.1 mol/l \n Detergent 3%\n
- 適應症
- 用於體外定量人體血清和血漿中的膽紅素。
- 主成分
- Antibody/Substrate Reagent. \nContains monoclonal anti-primidone antibody, glucose-6-phosphate (G6P), and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) in Tris buffer.\nEnzyme Conjugate Reagent. Contains primidone derivative labeled with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) in Tris buffer.
- 適應症
- 用來定量測定人體血清或血漿中的普里米酮。
- 主成分
- #11017:1. < 15% Vancomycin ANTISERUM (Sheep) in buffer containing protein as stabilizer and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 ml).2. < 0.3% Vancomycin-fluorescein TRACER in buffer containing a surfactant, Protein as stabilizer and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 ml).3. PRE-TREATMENT BUFFER containing a surfactant and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative (3 ml).#41022: human serum and < 0.1% sodium azide as preservative.
- 適應症
- 用於測定血清中萬古黴素(Vancomycin)的總量。
- 主成分
- 1 EA Reconstitution Buffer: Contains 3-[N-morpholino] propanesulfonic acid, buffer salts, 90 mg/L mouse monoclonal anti-procainamide antibody, stabilizer and preservative (17mL). \n1a EA Reagent: Contains 0.171 g/L enzyme acceptor, buffer salts, stabilizers and preservative.\n2 ED Reconstitution Buffer: Contains MES 2-[N-morpholino] ethanesulfonic acid buffer, buffer salts, (17mL). \n2a ED Reagent: Contains 42.1 μg/L enzyme donor conjugated to procainamide, 1.64g/L chlorophenol red-β-D-galactopyranoside, buffer salts, stabilizers, and preservative.
- 適應症
- 定量分析人體血清或血漿中的Procainamide.
- 主成分
- REAGENT-\n1 E A Reconstitution Buffer: Contains TES [N-tris (hydroxylmethyl) methyl-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid] buffer, 0.60 μg/mL mouse monoclonal anti-sirolimus antibodies, stabilizer and preservative, \n(1 x 26 mL).\n1a E A Reagent: Contains 0.118 g/L Enzyme acceptor (microbial), buffer salts, and preservative, (1 x 26 mL). \n2. E D Reconstitution Buffer: Contains MES (2-(N-morpholino) ethanesulfonic acid buffer), detergent, and preservative, (1 x 11 mL). \n2a E D Reagent: Contains: 107μg /L Enzyme donor (microbial) conjugated to sirolimus, 2.73 g/L chlorophenol red-β-D-galactopyranoside, stabilizer, and preservative, (1 x 11 mL).\n3 Extraction Reagent: Contains 300 mM ZnSO4, (1 x 50 mL). \n\nCalibrators-Contains targeted concentrations of sirolimus:\nLow Calibrator 0 ng/mL\nHigh Calibrator 30 ng/mL\n\nControls-The CEDIA Sirolimus Controls are prepared from human whole blood, with pure chemicals and stabilizers. The controls are provided in lyophilized form and contains only Sirolimus. The Calibrator/Co
- 適應症
- 希堤亞斥消靈試劑是一種使用自動臨床化學分析儀,以定量分析測定人類全血中斥消靈含量的體外診斷醫學方法。
- 主成分
- chemTRAK® Platinum is prepared from a bovine serum base. Analyte levels are adjusted with various animal extracts and other non-protein materials including drugs, drug metabolites and purified chemicals. Acid phosphatase is from human seminal fluid; amylase, ALT/GPT, AST/GOT, CK and lipase are obtained from porcine tissue; alkaline phosphatase and GGT are from bovine tissue; and LDH is from avian tissue. Preservatives and stabilizers are added to maintain product integrity.
- 適應症
- 提供一已知組成濃度的檢體來監測所分析的項目。
- 主成分
- 詳如操作手冊。
- 適應症
- 血中氣體、電解質、血紅素、血紅素含氧量分析。測試項目為:pH, PCO2, PO2, SO2%, Na+, K+, Hb, Ca++。
- 主成分
- Reagent:\n1EA Reconstitution Buffer: Contains TES (n-tris [hydroxylmethyl] methyl-2-aminoethane sulfonic acid), 30μg/mL mouse monoclonal vancomycin antibody, stabilizer, buffer salts, surfactant and preservative,(17 mL).\n1a EA Reagent: Contains 1.71 g/L Enzyme acceptor, buffer salts, stabilizer and preservative. \n2 ED Reconstitution Buffer: Contains Potassium Phosphate, buffer salts, surfactant and preservative, (17 mL). \n2a ED Reagent: Contains 25 nM Enzyme donor conjugated to vancomycin, 1.64 g/L chlorophenolred-β-D-galactopyranoside, buffer salts, stabilizer, and preservative.\nCalibrators: Vancomycin Low Calibrator 2 x 7.5 mL\n Vancomycin High Calibrator 2 x 5.0 mL\n
- 適應症
- 定量分析人體血清或血漿中的萬古黴素(Vancomycin)。
- 主成分
- 詳如操作手冊。
- 適應症
- 血中氣體、電解質、血紅素、血紅素含氧量、葡萄糖分析。測試項目為:pH, PCO2, PO2, SO2%, Na+, K+, Cl-, Glu, Hb, Ca++。
- 主成分
- Nitrite-Detect Reagent: Contains 2 x 500 mL of N-1-naphthylethylenediamine and sulfanilamide in an acidic solution.\nNitrite-Detect 200μg/mL Control: Contains 1 x 25 mL of 200 μg/mL nitrite in an aqueous solution.\nNitrite-Detect Calibrator Kit: Contains 1 x 25 mL of negative nitrite calibrator and 1 x 25 mL of 500μg/mL nitrite in an aqueous solution.\nNitrite-Detect Control Kit: Contains 1 x 25 mL of Negative Control (375μg/mL nitrite) and 1 x 25 mL of Positive Control (625μg/mL nitrite) in an aqueous solution.\n
- 適應症
- 以亞硝酸鹽化合物檢測尿液中的摻雜物。
- 主成分
- chemTRAK® Plus is prepared from a bovine serum base. Analyte levels are adjusted with various animal extracts and other non-protein materials including drugs, drug metabolites and purified chemicals. Amylase, ALT/GPT, AST/GOT, CK and lipase are obtained from porcine tissue; alkaline phosphatase and GGT are from bovine tissue; and LDH is from avian tissue. Preservatives and stabilizers are added to maintain product integrity.
- 適應症
- 提供一已知組成濃度的檢體來監測所分析的項目。
- 主成分
- OPTI CHECK LYTES:是一種特殊非生物溶液配方,含有鹽類、緩衝溶液和黏性改性劑。\nLevel 1:低 Na+,K+,Cl-和pH,高Ca2+\nLevel 2:正常值\nLevel 3:高 Na+,K+,Cl-和pH,低Ca2+
- 適應症
- 測定血液、尿液、脊髓液支電解質、酸鹼度分析。測試項目為:Na+,K+,Cl-,Ca++,pH。
- 主成分
- The Data-Cal is a stable,freeze-dried serum of animal origin(bovine),which various constituents have been added to give target values in the high normal range.
- 適應症
- 此校正血清用於臨床化學分析儀上,作為一般分析的二級校正品
- 主成分
- The reagent set is sufficient for 150 tests and consists of the following reragents:\n1. CerticanR Antibody Reagent (5 mL); <5% rabbit antisera in buffer containing protein as stabilizer and <0.1% sodium azide as preservative. Vial cap label “A”.\n2. CerticanR Tracer Reagent (5 mL); <1% fluorescein tracer in buffer containing protein as stabilizer, a surfactant, and <0.1% sodium azide as preservative. Vial cap labeled “T”.\n3. CerticanR Pretreatment Buffer (5 mL); tris buffer, detergent, and <0.1% sodium azide as preservative. Vial cap labeled “B”.\n4. Precipitation Reagent (7.5 mL); containing precipitating reagent, and <0.1% sodium azide.
- 適應症
- 使用螢光偏極化免疫分析法,定量測定人體全血中的Certican濃度。
- 主成分
- Capillaries for Glukometer 3000: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) compounded\nFluid bag for Glukometer 3000: water saline solution.\ncontrol L1: water saline solution containing 5.8 mmol/L D-glucose\ncontrol L2: water saline solution containing 13.0 mmol/L D-glucose\ncalibrator: water saline solution containing 5 mmol/L D-glucose
- 適應症
- 用於測定血液中葡萄糖濃度。
- 主成分
- The matrix is prepared from normal human whole blood. The analytes are added and adjusted to the desired concentration range for each lot prepared. Quality control before, during, and after the preparation of the control material ensures that each lot is of the same quality.
- 適應症
- 當做血液中毒藥物濫用的濃度測定之品管材料。
- 主成分
- The matrix for the UTAK Metals is prepared from normal human whole blood. The metal concentrations are adjusted to the desired concentration range for each lot prepared. Quality control before, during, and after the preparation of the control material ensure that each lot is of the same quality.
- 適應症
- 作為測量血液中金屬濃度之品管材料。
- 主成分
- The matrix for the UTAK Bi-Level AED II Control is prepared from normal human serum. The analytes are adjusted to the desired concentration range for each lot prepared. Quality control bofore, during, and after the preparation of the control material ensure that each lot is of the same quality.
- 適應症
- 二濃度抗癲癇藥物品管液是作為測量血清中抗癲癇藥物濃度之品管材料,它是一個連續性的基礎物質用來統計評估檢測的表現。
- 主成分
- Nova StatStrip Glucose Control Solution-1/2/3: D-Glucose, preservative, FD&C dye, viscosity-adjusting agent, and other nonreactive agents.\nNova StatStrip Glucose Linearity Kit: D-Glucose, preservative, FD&C dye, viscosity-adjusting agent, and other nonreactive agents.\nNova StatStrip Glucose Test Strips : Glucose enzyme(>1.0IU),mediator(>20ug), and other nonreactive substances.
- 適應症
- 由保健專業人士和重點照護(point-of-care)使用,定量全血中的葡萄糖。
- 主成分
- The matrix for the UTAK Four-Level Lead Control is prepared from normal human whole blood. The metal concentrations are adjusted to the desired concentration range for each lot prepared. Quality control before, during, and after the preparation of the control material ensure that each lot is of the same quality.
- 適應症
- UTAK四濃度鉛檢驗品管液是作為測量血液中鉛濃度之品管材料。它的用途是用在當作一個連續的基礎物質,以致有關試劑和分析儀器的偏差可以在統計基礎上被偵測出來。
- 主成分
- The matrix for the UTAK Tri-Level Immunosuppressants Control is prepared from normal human whole blood. The analytes are added and adjusted to the desired concentration range for each lot prepared.
- 適應症
- 三濃度免疫抑制劑品管液是拿來當做血液中免疫抑制劑的濃度測定之品管材料,它是一個連續性的基礎物質用來統計評估檢測的表現。
- 主成分
- The matrix for the UTAK Homocysteine Control is prepare from normal human whole blood.
- 適應症
- 用於測量血漿中同半胱氨酸濃度之品管材料。
- 主成分
- Nova StatStrip Xpress Glucose Control Solution-1/2/3:D-Glucose, preservative, FD&C dye, viscosity-adjusting agent, and other nonreactive agents.\nNova StatStrip Xpress Glucose Linearity Kit:D-Glucose, preservative, FD&C dye, viscosity-adjusting agent, and other nonreavative agents.\nNova StatStrip Xpress Glucose Test Strip:Glucose enzyme(>1.0 IU), mediator(>20 ug), and other nonreactive substances. \n
- 適應症
- 用以定量檢測全血中葡萄糖。
- 主成分
- The matrix for the UTAK Bi-Level Trace Elements Control is prepare from normal human whole blood. The metal concentrations are adjusted to the desired concentration range for each lot prepared. Quality control before, during, and after the preparation of the control material ensure that each lot is of the same quality.
- 適應症
- UTAK二濃度微量元素品管液是拿來當作血液中欲追蹤微量元素濃度的測定品管材料。它的用途是用在當作一個連續的基礎物質,以致有關試劑和分析儀器的偏差可以在統計基礎上被偵測出來。
- 主成分
- Nova StatSensor Creatinine Control Solution-1/2/3: Creatinine, preservative, FD&C dye, viscosity-adjusting agent, and other nonreactice agents.\nNova StatSensor Creatinine Linearity kit: a buffered aqueous solution of creatinine, preservative, a viscosity adjusting agent, and other nonreactive agents.\nNova StatSensor Creatinine Test Strips: creatininase (>0.1IU), creatinase (>0.015 IU), peroxidase (>0.01 IU), Sarcosine oxidase (>0.01IU), mediator (>0.1 μg), and other nonreactive substances.\n
- 適應症
- 由保健專業人士和重點照護(point-of-care)使用,用以定量檢測全血中肌酸酐。
- 主成分
- R- II Color Reagent\n 2-Nitroso-5- (N-Propy-N-Sulfopropyl amino ) -phenol ≧0.96mmol/L,R- I Ammonium Ferrous Sulfate Solution\n Sodium Citrate\n Ammonium Ferrous Sulfate
- 適應症
- 測量人體血清中鐵結合能力。
- 主成分
- R-I:L-ascorbic acid;R-II:2-Nitroso 5-(N-propyl-N-sulfopropylamino) phenol 0.45 mmol/L
- 適應症
- 測量血清和血漿中鐵(非血基質)之器材。
- 主成分
- R-I: Coenzyme reagent\nR-II: Substrate solution
- 適應症
- 測量人體樣本中膽素酯酵素。
- 主成分
- 37328-5, 37330-8, 37331-5, 37332-2, 37334-6, 37335-3, 37336-0, 37693-4, 37694-1, 37695-8, 37696-5, 37697-2, 39114-2,39116-6, 42873-2, 43601-0, 37327-8, 47225-4。
- 適應症
- 檢測糞便中血紅素濃度。
- 主成分
- R-I:Buffer\nR-II:Substrate solution
- 適應症
- 測量血漿和血清中GGT酵素活性的器材。
- 主成分
- Reagent R-1 \nSodium dextran sulfate\nSulfated cyclodextrin\nN-(2-hydroxy-3-sulfopropyl)-3,5-dimethoxyaniline (HSDA) 0.96 mmol/L\nMagnesium salt\nReagent R-2\nCholesterol esterase *1 1.0 units/mL\nCholesterol oxidase *2 7.6units/mL\nPeroxidase *3\n4-aminoantipyrine (4-AA) 2.5 mmol/L\n\n*1: Of microbial origin *2: Of actinomycete origin *3: Derived from horseradish
- 適應症
- 檢測血清中HDL-Cholesterol的含量。
- 主成分
- R-I:Coenzyme reagent\nR-II:Substrate solution
- 適應症
- 測量血清中乳酸去氫酶活性的器材。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 酵素免疫分析儀。
- 主成分
- 空白。
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材管理辦法「三酸甘油脂試驗系統(A.1705)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- R-1 agent A\nN-(2-hydroxy-3-sulfopropyl)-3.5-Dimethoxyaniline、Peroxidase (From horseradish)、\nR-2 agent B\nUricase、\n4-Aminoantipyrine
- 適應症
- 測量血清、血漿及尿中尿酸的濃度。
- 主成分
- 空白。
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材管理辦法「膽固醇(總量)試驗系統(A.1175)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材分類分級管理辦法「液晶靜脈定位器(J.6970)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- 空白。
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材管理辦法「膽素酯酵素試驗系統(A.3240)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- 空白。
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材管理辦法「乳酸脫氫?試驗系統(A.1440)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材管理辦法「酮(非定量)試驗系統(A.1435)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- 空白。
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材管理辦法「鐵結合能力試驗系統(A.1415)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- 空白。
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材管理辦法「鐵(非血基質)試驗系統(A.1410)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- 空白。
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材管理辦法「尿酸試驗系統(A.1775)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- 空白
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材分類分級管理辦法「乳酸試驗系統(A.1450)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 詳如中文仿單核定本
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 用於蒐集血液以供臨床實驗室進行血糖檢測。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 用於蒐集血液以供臨床實驗室進行血漿常規凝血試驗。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 用於蒐集血液以供臨床實驗室進行血清生化檢測。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 本產品是用於採集、貯存、運送和處理靜脈血液檢體之真空容器,主要用於血清臨床化學及免疫學檢測。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 用於蒐集血液以供臨床實驗室進行全血血液常規檢測。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 用於蒐集血液以供臨床實驗室進行血漿生化檢測,不適用於鋰測定。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 用於蒐集血液以供臨床實驗室進行血漿生化檢測,不適用於鈉測定。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 本產品是用於採集、貯存、運送和處理靜脈血液檢體之真空容器,可用於血清臨床化學及免疫學檢測。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 本產品主要用於血球沉降速率的檢測,參考方法為韋氏血沉法。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材管理辦法「一氧化碳試驗系統(A.3220)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材管理辦法「品管材料(分析與非分析)(A.1660)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材分類分級管理辦法「毛細管血液收集管(B.6150)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材管理辦法「一般手術用手動式器械(I.4800)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材管理辦法「脂蛋白試驗系統(A.1475)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材管理辦法「一般手術用手動式器械(I.4800)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 詳如中文仿單核定本
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材管理辦法「品管材料(分析與非分析)(A.1660)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材分類分級管理辦法「品管材料(分析與非分析)(A.1660)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材管理辦法「品管材料(分析與非分析)(A.1660)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材管理辦法「品管材料(分析與非分析)(A.1660)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材管理辦法「一般手術用手動式器械(I.4800)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材分類分級管理辦法「酮(非定量)試驗系統(A.1435)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材分類分級管理辦法「一般手術用手動式器械(I.4800)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材分類分級管理辦法「一般手術用手動式器械(I.4800)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- Substrate: Glucose-6-P 1mmol/l、\n NADP 0.75mmol/l、\n GGSG (oxidized glutathione) 0.8mmol/l、\nBuffer: Saponin 0.2%、\n Tris (hydroxymethyl)、\n Aminomethane 225mmol/l; pH7.8
- 適應症
- 測量血清及紅血球中6-磷糖去氫酵素活性的器材。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材管理辦法「一般目的之反應試劑(B.4010)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- R1.Enzyme Reagent 1:N,N-Bis(2-hydroxyethy)-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid\n N-(2-hydroxy-3-Sulfopropyl)-3,5-dimethoxyaniline;Sodium Salt(HDAOS)\n Cholesterol Esterase\n Cholesterol Oxidase\n Catalase\n Ascorbate oxidase\nR2. Enzyme Reagent 2:N,N-Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid\n 4-Aminoantipyrine\n Peroxidase\n Sodium Azide\n Surfactants
- 適應症
- 測量人體血清和血漿中HDL-Cholesterol濃度。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 定量含肝素全血中之pH值、PCO2、PO2、血球容積比(Hct)、Na+、K+、Cl-、Ca2+、葡萄糖(Glu)和乳酸(Lac)。
- 主成分
- Assay Buffer:Poluethylene Glycol 6%(w/v)\n Tris/HCI buffer 20 mmol/l, pH 7.4\n Sodium Chloride 150 mmol/l\nAntibody Reagent:Anti(human) albumin \n Tris/HCI buffer 20 mmol/l, pH 7.4\n Sodium Chloride 150 mmol/l\n Standards nominally 0-200 mg/l\n Human serum albumin
- 適應症
- 測量人體尿液中的MicroAlbumin。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 本產品搭配IRMA TRUPoint 卡匣,提供專業人員用於全血分析。
- 主成分
- R1. Buffer\n Acetate buffer\n Guanidinium chloride\n Thiourea\nR2. Chromogen\n Ferrozine\n Ascorbic acid
- 適應症
- 測量人體血清和血漿中鐵(非血基質)。
- 主成分
- 1.Buffer\nPipes Buffer 40mmol/l, pH7.4\n4-chlorophenol 5.4mmol/l\nMagnesium ions 5.0mmol/l\nATP 1.0 mmol/l\nPeroxidase >0.5U/ml\nGlycerol kinase >0.4U/ml\nGlycerol-3-phosphate oxidase >1.5U/ml\nSodium Azide 0.05%\n2.Enzyme Reagent\n4-Aminoantipyrine 0.4mmol/l\nLipases >150U/ml\nSodium Azide 0.05%
- 適應症
- 測量血清和血漿中三酸甘油脂的器材。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材管理辦法「6-磷糖去氫酵素試驗系統(A.1565)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- R1. Reagent Phosphate Buffer 50 mmol/l, pH 7.0、\n Toos* 7.0 mmol/l、\n Ascorbate Oxidase ≧5 U/ml;\nR2. Starter Phosphate Buffer 50 mmol/l, pH 7.0、\n 4-Aminophenazone 0.3 mmol/l、\n Peroxidase ≧1000 U/l、\n Uricase ≧200 U/l
- 適應症
- 測量血清、血漿和尿中尿酸的器材。
- 主成分
- R1 Enzyme:\nTris buffer 100mmol/l, pH7.5\nL-alanine 0.5mol/l\nLD >1.2U/ml\nR2 α-oxoglutarate/Conezyme\na-oxoglutarate 15 mmol/l\nNADH 0.8mmol/l
- 適應症
- 測量人體血清和血漿中的ALT。
- 主成分
- Drug Analyte Control 1 Control 2\nMethamphetamine 750 ng/mL 1250 ng/mL\nSecobarbital 150 ng/mL 300 ng/mL\nOxazepam 150 ng/mL 300 ng/mL\nBenzoylecgonine 225 ng/mL 375 ng/mL\nMethadone 200 ng/mL 375 ng/mL\nMethaqualone 200 ng/mL 375 ng/mL\nMorphine 1500 ng/mL 2500 ng/mL\nPhencyclidine 20 ng/mL 35 ng/mL\nPropoxyphene 200 ng/mL 375 ng/mL\n
- 適應症
- 用來確效安非他命、古柯鹼、鴉片和天使塵試劑測試的品管液。
- 主成分
- R-I Color Reagent A\n N-ethyl-(hydroxy-3-sulfopropy)-m-toluidine Na Toos≧1.83 mmol/L\nR-II Color Reagent B\n Uricase (from Yeast) ≧48 U/L\n 4-aminoantipyrine ≧1.18 mmol/L\n Peroxidase(from Horscradish)≧130U/L
- 適應症
- 測量人體血清、血漿和尿中尿酸之濃度。
- 主成分
- R1. Buffer/Glycylglycine/Substrate\n Tris buffer 100 mmol/l, pH 8.25\n Glycylglycine 100 mmol/l\n L-γ-glutamyl-3-carboxy-4-nitroanilide 2.9 mmol/l
- 適應症
- 測量人體血漿和血清中GGT酵素活性。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材管理辦法「一般目的之反應試劑(B.4010)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材管理辦法「銅試驗系統(A.1190)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- R1. Blank Reagent\n Sulphuric acid 0.36 mol/l\n Sodium chloride \n Detergent 154mmol/l\nR2. Molybdate Reagent\n Ammonium molybdate 3.5mmol/l\n Sulphuric acid 0.36mol/l\n Sodium chloride 154mmol/l
- 適應症
- 測量血清中無機亞磷酸的器材。
- 主成分
- Buffer: TAPS(a) 100mM\n Sodium hydroxide 40mM\n Sodium deoxycholate 34mM\n Sodium azide 7.7mM\nSubstrate:(+)-Tartaric acid 9.5mM\n Sodium hydroxide 19mM\nColipase 460IU/ml\n2-Propanol 0.65M\nDGGMR(b) 0.4mM\n
- 適應症
- 測量血清和血漿中脂肪酵素活性之器材。
- 主成分
- 1. Antigen solidification plate TGBL antigen 0.25 μL/well 2. Sample diluting fluid TRIS hydrochlorate 3. Enzyme labeled antibody solution Peroxidase labeled antihuman immunoglobulin antibody 4. Color former solution 3,3’,5,5’-tetramethylbenzidine 5. Reaction terminator solution Sulfuric acid (0.5 mol/L) 6. Stock solution of cleaning fluid Sodium phosphate buffer
- 適應症
- 檢測出血清或血漿中之抗TBGL抗體。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 殺菌劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 殺菌劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材分類分級管理辦法「血管內導管固定裝置(J.5210)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- R-I Buffer:\nDiethanolamine\nR-II Substrate solution: \nSodium p-nitrophenyl phosphate >51.19mmol/l
- 適應症
- 測量血清或血中鹼性磷酸酶之器材。
- 主成分
- Copper sulphate ≥4.81 mmol/L
- 適應症
- 測量血清中的總蛋白質。
- 主成分
- Pipes Buffer 80 mmol/l,pH6.8\n4-Aminoantipyrine 0.25 mmol/l\nPhenol 6 mmol/l\nPeroxidase(E.C.,Horse Radish,+25℃) ≧0.5 U/ml\nCholesterol esterase(E.C. Pseudomonas,37℃) ≧0.2 U/ml\nCholesterol oxidase(E.C. Nocardia, 37℃) ≧0.10 U/ml\n
- 適應症
- 測量血漿和血清中膽固醇量的器材。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材分類分級管理辦法「品管材料(分析與非分析)(A.1660)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 血液透析
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 腎臟透析
- 主成分
- R-I:diluent\nR-II:molybdate ammonium ≧ 1.29 mmol/L
- 適應症
- 測量血清中無機亞磷酸。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材管理辦法「乳酸試驗系統(A.1450)」第一等級鑑別範圍。