- 主成分
- Antigen reagent:\nSuspension of sensitized chicken erythrocytes.\nControl reagent:\nSuspension of unsensitized chicken erythrocytes.\nDiluent solution:\nPhosphate buffered saline solution containing soluble components of T. Reiter and stabilizing agents.\nPositive control:\nImmune rabbit serum.\nNegative control:\nNormal rabbit serum.\nAll reagents contain <0.1% sodium azide.\n
- 適應症
- 被動血球凝集法測試人體血清或血漿中的梅毒螺旋體特異性抗體。
- 主成分
- Latex reagent (1 x 1.6 ml): Suspension of polystyrene latex particles coated with rubella virus antigen in a buffer. Contains < 0.1% sodium azide.\nPositive control (1 x 1.0 ml): Diluted positive human serum. Contains < 0.1% sodium azide.\nNegative control (1 x 1.0 ml): Diluted normal human serum. Contains < 0.1% sodium azide.\nDilution buffer (1 x 50 ml): Phosphate buffered saline, containing bovine serum albumin. Contains < 0.1% sodium azide.\nDisposable slides: 13 units (x8)\n
- 適應症
- 為一在玻片上進行之快速乳膠粒子凝集試驗,定性及定量偵測血清中的德國麻疹病毒抗體。
- 主成分
- a) Latex reagent:\nSuspension of polystyrene latex particles coated with human IgG in a buffer.Contains<0.1% sodium azide.\nb)Positive control:\nDiluted human serum containing more than 20 IU/ml of rheumatoid factor.\nContains<0.1% sodium azide.\nc)Negative control:\nDiluted human serum containing less than 1 IU/ml of rheumatoid factor.\nContains<0.1% sodium azide.
- 適應症
- 乳膠凝集法測試人體血清中的類風濕性因子。
- 主成分
- 1. REAG: RPR antigen suspension: \ncardiolipin, lecithin, cholesterol, EDTA, KH2PO4, Na2HPO4, thimerosal, choline chloride, charcoal microparticles.\n2. CONTROL+: Positive control:\nDiluted immune rabbit serum.
- 適應症
- 使用心酯蛋白cardiolipin來初步篩檢梅毒的感染。
- 主成分
- Latex reagent:\nSuspension of polystyrene latex particles coated with IgG anti-CRP in a buffer.\nPositive control:\nDiluted human serum containing more than 10 mg/l of CRP.\nNegative control:\nDiluted human serum containing less than 1 mg/l of CRP.
- 適應症
- 使用覆蓋C反應蛋白抗體的乳膠,定性或半定量快速診斷血清中的C反應蛋白。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材管理辦法「腺病毒血清試劑(C.3020)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 限醫療器材管理辦法「鏈球菌屬血清試劑(C.3740)」第一等級鑑別範圍。
- 主成分
- TEST: 20 biorapid ROTA-ADENO test devices.\nDIL: 20 extraction droppers with 1.5 ml of diluent buffer. Contains <0.1% sodium azide.
- 適應症
- 偵測糞便檢體的輪狀病毒及腺病毒。
- 主成分
- a) Latex reagent:Suspension of polystyrene latex particles coated with strptolysin-O in a buffer.b) Positive control:Rabbit IgG antistreptolysin-O in a buffer.c) Negative control:Non reactive diluted human serum
- 適應症
- 在乳膠上覆蓋streptolysin-O抗原快速診斷對應的抗體,用來診斷溶血性鏈球菌感染。