- 主成分
- Metoprolol Succinate contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C34H56N2O10, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 降血壓劑
- 主成分
- Paclitaxel contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C47H51NO14, calculated on the anhydrous, solvent-free basis.
- 適應症
- 抗癌藥物
- 主成分
- Baclofen contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C10H12ClNO2, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 骨骼肌鬆弛劑
- 主成分
- Labetalol Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C19H25ClH2O3, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 降血壓劑
- 主成分
- Biperiden Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 101.0% of C21H29NO‧HCl, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 帕金森氏症
- 主成分
- Venlafaxine Hydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C17H28ClNO2, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 憂鬱症、泛焦慮症
- 主成分
- Acebutolol Hydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C18H29ClN2O4, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- Beta交感神經遮斷劑
- 主成分
- Nifedipine contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C17H18N2O6, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 鈣離子封阻劑心絞痛治療藥
- 主成分
- Ondansetron Hydrochloride contains not less than 97.5% and not more than 102.0% of C18H20ClN3O, 2H2O, calculated on the anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 治療化學療法和放射性療法引起之嘔吐
- 主成分
- Methylphenidate Hydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C14H20ClNO2, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 過動兒症候群、發作性嗜睡症
- 主成分
- Hydroxocobalamin Acetate contains 96.0%~102.0% of C64H93CoN13O17P, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 抗貧血藥
- 主成分
- Midodrine Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C12H18N2O4‧HCl, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 體質性血壓過低、直立性循環系統失統,病後、手術後及產後脂血壓過低
- 主成分
- Naftifine Hydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C21H21N‧HCl, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 局部抗黴藥
- 主成分
- Benzbromarone, when dried, contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 101.0% of C17H12Br2O3.
- 適應症
- 促尿酸排泄劑
- 主成分
- Rosuvastatin Calcium contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C44H54F2N6O12S2Ca, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 高膽固醇血症,高三酸甘油酯血症
- 主成分
- Irbesartan contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C25H28N6O, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 降血壓劑
- 主成分
- Flavoxate Hydrochloride contains 99.0%~101.0% of C24H26ClNO4, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 副交感神經致效劑
- 主成分
- Calcium Folinate contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 102.0% of C20H21CaN7O7, and contains 7.54% to 8.14% of Calcium, both calculated on anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 葉酸拮抗劑使用過量之解毒劑
- 主成分
- Tamsulosin Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C20H28N2O5S‧HCl, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 前列腺肥大症伴隨的排尿障礙
- 主成分
- Calcitriol contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 103.0% of C27H44O3, calculated on anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 維他命D3缺乏症
- 主成分
- Calcipotriol Anhydrous contains not less than 95.5% and not more than 102.0% of C27H40O3, calculated on anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 牛皮癬外用製劑
- 主成分
- Estradiol Benzoate contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 103.0% of C25H28O3, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 女性荷爾蒙劑
- 主成分
- Alverine Citrate contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C26H35NO7, with reference to the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 過敏性腸徵候群
- 主成分
- Fluconazole contains not less than 99.0 % and not more than 101.0 % of C13H12F2N6O, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗黴菌藥
- 主成分
- Drospirenone contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C24H30O3, calculated on the anhydrous and solvent-free basis.
- 適應症
- 黃體激素
- 主成分
- Desmopressin (available as an acetate) Desmopressin contains not less than 95.0% and not more than 105.0% of C46H64N14O12S2, calculated with anhydrous and acetic-free substance.
- 適應症
- 血管加壓素衍生物
- 主成分
- Baclofen contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 101.0 % of C10H12ClNO2, calculated on the anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 骨骼肌弛緩劑
- 主成分
- Fenofibrate content not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C20H21ClO4, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 降血脂藥
- 主成分
- Prilocaine contains not less than 99.0 % and not more than 101.0 % of C13H20N2O, calculated on anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 局部麻醉劑
- 主成分
- Cimetidine contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.5% of C10H16N6S, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 組織胺H2接受體拮抗劑
- 主成分
- Sodium Valproate contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C8H15NaO2, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗癲癇藥物
- 主成分
- Abiraterone Acetate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C26H33NO2, calculated on the as-is basis.
- 適應症
- 抗腫瘤劑。
- 主成分
- Mebeverine Hydrochloride contains 99.0%~101.0% of C25H35NO5‧HCl, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 平滑肌鬆弛劑
- 主成分
- Acemetacin contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C21H18ClNO6, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 非類固醇抗炎劑
- 主成分
- Carvedilol contains not less than 99.0%and not more than 101.0% of C24H26N2O4, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 高血壓、鬱血性心臟衰竭
- 主成分
- Atomoxetine Hydrochloride contians not less than 99.0% and not more than 102.0% of C17H21NO‧HCl, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 注意力缺損/過動症 (ADHD)
- 主成分
- Cetylpyridinium Chloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 102.0% of C21H38ClN, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 抗菌劑、保藏劑、潤濕/溶解化劑
- 主成分
- Etofenamate contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.5% of C18H18F3NO4, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 抗炎劑
- 主成分
- Benzethonium Chloride contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 103.0% of C27H42ClNO2, calcualted on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 消毒劑
- 主成分
- Pralidoxime Chloride contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 102.0% of C7H9ClN2O, calcualted on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 有機磷中毒之解毒劑
- 主成分
- Nimodipine contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.5% of C21H26N2O7, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗腦血管收縮及抗缺血
- 主成分
- Mirtazapine contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C17H19N3, calculated on the anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 鬱症
- 主成分
- Glimepiride contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C24H34N4O5S, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 非胰島素依賴型(第二型)糖尿病
- 主成分
- Entacapone contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C14H15N3O5, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 抗帕金森氏症劑
- 主成分
- Famotidine contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C8H15N7O2S3, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 組織胺H2接受體對抗劑
- 主成分
- Voriconazole contains not less than 97.5% and not more than 102.0% of C16H14F3N5O, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 抗黴菌用藥
- 主成分
- Metoprolol Tartrate contains not less than 99.0 and not more than 101.0% of C34H56N2O12, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 降壓劑
- 主成分
- Mirtazapine contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C17H19N3, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 治療憂鬱藥
- 主成分
- Chlortalidone contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 102.0% of C14H11ClN2O4S, calculayed on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 利尿劑
- 主成分
- Tenoxicam contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C13H11N3O4S2, calculated on anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 消炎止痛劑
- 主成分
- Tadalafil contains not less than 97.5% and not more than 102.0% of C22H19N3O4, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 男性勃起障礙治療
- 主成分
- Furosemide contains 98.5%~101.0% of C12H11ClN2O5S, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 利尿劑
- 主成分
- Levetiracetam contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C8H14N2O2, calculated on the anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 抗癲癇藥
- 主成分
- Chloramphenicol contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 103.0% of C11H12Cl2N2O5, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 抗生素
- 主成分
- Lamivudine contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C8H11N3O3S, calculated on the anhydrous and solvent-free basis.
- 適應症
- 抗病毒藥
- 主成分
- Estradiol Hemihydrate contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 103.0% of C18H24O2,1/2H2O, calculated on the anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 女性荷爾蒙劑
- 主成分
- Salbutamol Sulphate contains 98.0% ~ 101.0% of C26H44N2O10S, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 支氣管擴張劑
- 主成分
- Estradiol Valerate contains 97.0% ~ 103.0% of C23H32O3, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 雌性激素
- 主成分
- Glibenclamide contains 99.0% ~ 101.0% of C23H28ClN3O5S, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 糖尿病治療藥
- 主成分
- Quetiapine Fumarate contains 99.0% ~ 101.0% of C42H50N6O4S2, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗精神病藥物
- 主成分
- Bumetanide contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C17H20N2O5S, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 利尿劑
- 主成分
- Biperiden Hydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C21H30ClNO, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 帕金森氏症
- 主成分
- Ezetimibe contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C24H21F2NO3, calculated on anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 高膽固醇血症、同行接合子家族性高膽固血症(HOFH)
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 消炎藥、鎮痛藥。
- 主成分
- Glimepiride contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C24H34N4O5S, calculated on anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 非胰島素依賴型(第二型)糖尿病
- 主成分
- Losartan Potassium contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C22H22ClKN6O, calculated on the anhydrous, solvent-free basis.
- 適應症
- 高血壓藥
- 主成分
- Cetirizine Dihydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C21H27Cl3N2O3, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗組織胺劑
- 主成分
- Norethisterone Acetate contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 102.0% of C22H28O3, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 黃體荷爾蒙劑
- 主成分
- Hyoscyamine sulphate contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 100.5% of (C17H23NO3)2‧H2SO4, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 抗膽鹼激性劑
- 主成分
- 18 Beta glycyrrhetinic acid contains not less than 95.0% of 18β-glycyrrhetic acid(C30H46O4), calculated with reference to the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗炎劑。
- 主成分
- Ethinylestradiol contains not less than 97.5% and not more than 102.0% of C20H24O2, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 女性內分泌素
- 主成分
- Exsiccated Fructus Cardui Mariae extract contains not less than 65.0% of Silymarin, calculated as Silybin.
- 適應症
- 治療慢性肝病、肝硬變及脂肪肝之佐藥。
- 主成分
- Amitriptyline Hydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C20H24ClN. (dried substance)
- 適應症
- 抗憂鬱劑
- 主成分
- Chondroitin Sulfate Sodium contains not less than 95.0% and not more than 105.0% of (C14H19NNa2O14S)x, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 營養劑
- 主成分
- Valsartan contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C24H29N5O2, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 降血壓劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 殺菌、消毒
- 主成分
- Sulfadiazine contains not less than 99.0% and not more than the equivalent of 101.0% of 4-amino-N-pyrimidin-2-ylbenzensulphonamide,calculated with reference to the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗菌劑。
- 主成分
- Butamirate Citrate contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C24H37NO10, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 鎮咳劑
- 主成分
- Scopolamine N-Butylbromide contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 101.0% of C21H30BrNO4, calculated with reference to the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 副交感神經抑制劑
- 主成分
- Bupropion Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C13H18ClNO‧HCl, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 抗憂鬱藥
- 主成分
- Carboplatin contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C6H12N2O4Pt, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗腫瘤藥
- 主成分
- Nifedipine contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C17H18N2O6, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 鈣離子封阻劑心絞痛治療藥
- 主成分
- Paroxetine Hydrochloride Hemihydrate contains not less than 97.5% and not more than 102.0% of C19H21ClFNO3‧1/2H2O, calculated on the anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 治療憂鬱症、強迫症、恐慌症藥
- 主成分
- Pramipexole Dihydrochloride Monohydate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 101.0% of C10H17N3S‧2HCl‧H2O, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 抗巴金森氏症
- 主成分
- Levodopa contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C9H11NO4, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 帕金森症治療藥
- 主成分
- Irbesartan contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C25H28N6O, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 降血壓藥
- 主成分
- Dorzolamide Hydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C10H16N2O4S3‧HCl, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 碳酸酐脢抑制劑,用於高眼壓和開角型青光眼患者,以降低眼內壓
- 主成分
- Tolterodine Tartrate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C26H37NO7, calculated on dried basis.
- 適應症
- 治療尿失禁
- 主成分
- Ciclopirox Olamine contains not less than 76.0% and not more than 78.5% of C12H17NO2, and not less than 22.2% and not more than 23.3% of C2H7NO, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 局部抗黴菌藥
- 主成分
- Alendronate sodium contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C4H12NNaO7P2‧3H2O, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 骨質調節劑
- 主成分
- Pyridostigmine Bromide contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 100.5% of C9H13BrN2O2, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 擬副交感神經藥
- 主成分
- Labetalol Hydrochloride contains not less than 97.5% and not more than 101.0% of C19H24N2O3‧HCl, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 降血壓劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 血管擴張劑。
- 主成分
- Etodolac contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C17H21NO3, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 消炎劑。
- 主成分
- Sildenafil Citrate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C22H30N6O4S‧C6H8O7, calculated on anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 成年男性勃起功能障礙
- 主成分
- Cimetidine contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C10H16N6S, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 組織胺H2接受體拮抗劑
- 主成分
- Imipramine Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C19H25ClN2, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 治療憂鬱藥
- 主成分
- Amisulpride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C17H27N3O4S, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 多巴胺(D2/D3)接受體拮抗劑,治療精神分裂症。
- 主成分
- Ergometrine Maleate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 101.0% of C19H23N3O2‧C4H4O4, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 子宮收縮藥
- 主成分
- Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C8H9NO2, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 鎮痛藥、解熱藥。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗菌藥。
- 主成分
- Lysozyme Hydrochloride contains not less than 0.9 mg (potency) of Lysozyme per mg, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 消炎酵素劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 維他命B2缺乏症。
- 主成分
- Mesalazine (Mesalamine) contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.5% of C7H7NO3, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 治療潰瘍性結腸炎。
- 主成分
- Levamisole hydrochloride contains not less than 98.5% and not more than the equivalent of 101.0% of (6S)-6-phenyl-2,3,5,6-tetrahydroimidazo﹝2,1-b﹞thiazole hydrochloride, calculated with reference to the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗腫瘍藥,用於氟嘧啶二酮之輔助治療劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗炎性皮質固醇。
- 主成分
- Carbidopa contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C10H14N2O4‧H2O, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 帕金森氏症治療藥。
- 主成分
- Paclitaxel contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 102.0% of C47H51NO14, calculated on the anhydrous, solvent-free basis.
- 適應症
- 抗癌藥
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 醣類代謝皮質素。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗炎性皮質固醇藥。
- 主成分
- Fenofibrate contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C20H21ClO4, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 高脂質血症
- 主成分
- Ipratropium Bromide contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 100.5% of C20H30BrNO3‧H2O, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 慢性阻塞性肺疾、支氣管氣喘
- 主成分
- Carbimazole contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C7H10N2O2S, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗甲狀腺劑
- 主成分
- Acetazolamide contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C4H6N4O3S2, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 碳酸酐酶抑制藥
- 主成分
- Dibucaine HCl contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 100.5% of C20H29N3O2‧HCl, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 局部麻醉藥
- 主成分
- Tetrahydrozoline Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.0 percent and not more than 100.5 percent of C13H16N2.HCL, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 擬交感神經作用劑
- 主成分
- Lamotrigine contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C9H7Cl2N5, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 抗痙攣劑、抗癲癇劑。
- 主成分
- Dorzolamide Hydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C10H16N2O4S3‧HCl calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 碳酸酐脢抑制劑,用於高眼壓和開角型青光眼患者,以降低眼內壓
- 主成分
- Budesonide contains not less than 97.5% and not more than 102.0% of C25H34O6, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 抗炎性皮質固醇(支氣管抗炎劑)
- 主成分
- Ipratropoium Bromide contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 100.5% of Ipratropoium bromide (C20H30BrNO3‧H2O), calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 慢性阻塞性支氣管炎、支氣管氣喘
- 主成分
- Verapamil Hydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C27H38N2O4‧HCl, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 鈣離子遮斷劑
- 主成分
- Voriconazole contains not less than 97.5% and not more than 102.0% of C16H14F3N5O, calculated with anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 抗黴菌用藥
- 主成分
- Rasagiline Mesylate contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.5% of C12H13N˙CH4O3S, calculated on dried basis.
- 適應症
- 帕金森氏症用藥
- 主成分
- Meloxicam contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C14H13N3O4S2, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 消炎鎮痛藥
- 主成分
- Sulindac contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C20H17FO3S, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 鎮痛藥、抗消炎藥。
- 主成分
- Pentoxifylline contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C13H18N4O3, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 週圍血管舒張劑
- 主成分
- Ticlopidine Hydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C14H14ClNS‧HCl, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 血小板凝集抑制劑
- 主成分
- Calcium Folinate contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 102.0% of C20H21CaN7O7, calculated on anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 葉酸拮抗劑使用過量之解毒劑
- 主成分
- Levofloxacin contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 102.0% of C18H20FN3O4, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 抗生素
- 主成分
- Clindamycin Phosphate contains not less than 96.0% and not more than 102.0% of C18H34ClN2O8PS, calculated on the dried basis
- 適應症
- 抗生素
- 主成分
- Clindamycin Hydrochloride contains not less than 92.0% and not more than 102.0% of C18H34Cl2N2O5, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 抗生素
- 主成分
- Progesterone contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 102.0% of C21H30O2, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 內分泌素
- 主成分
- Valacyclovir Hydrochloride (Valaciclovir Hydrochloride) 95%-102% on anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 帶狀疱疹、復發性生殖器疱疹的預防及治療
- 主成分
- Candesartan Cilexetil contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C33H34N6O6, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 降血壓藥
- 主成分
- Gabapentin contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C9H17NO2, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 抗痙攣藥
- 主成分
- Febuxostat (Form-G) contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C16H16O3N2S‧1/2H2O, calculated on anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 高尿酸血症用藥
- 主成分
- Apixaban contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C25H25N5O4, calculated on dried basis.
- 適應症
- 抗血栓劑
- 主成分
- Brimonidine Tartrate contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C11H10BrN5‧C4H6O6, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 開放角隅青光眼或高眼壓
- 主成分
- Dosulepin (Dothiepin) Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 101.0% of C19H21NSHCl, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 憂鬱症
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 肝臟機能障礙劑。
- 主成分
- Levocarnitine contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C7H15NO3, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- Carnitine缺乏症
- 主成分
- Calcipotriol Monohydrate contains not less than 95.5% and not more than 102.0% of C27H40O3‧H2O, calculated on the anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 牛皮癬外用製劑
- 主成分
- Dibucaine contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 102.5% of C20H29N3O2, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 局部麻醉藥
- 主成分
- Naproxen Sodium contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C14H13NaO3, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 消炎、鎮痛
- 主成分
- Rosuvastatin Calcium contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 102.0% of C44H54CaF2N6O12S2, calculated on anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 高膽固醇血症,高三酸甘油酯血症。
- 主成分
- Oxolamine Citrate contains not less than 99.0 % and not more than 101.0 % of C14H19N3O‧C6H8O7, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 鎮咳劑
- 主成分
- Esomeprazole Magnesium Trihydrate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C34H36MgN6O6S2‧3H2O, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 胃潰瘍治療藥
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗精神憂鬱藥,視丘下部作用性抗潰瘍劑。
- 主成分
- Flurazepam Dihydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C21H23ClFN3O.2HCl, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 催眠鎮靜劑
- 主成分
- Ciprofloxacin contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C17H18FN3O3, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗菌藥
- 主成分
- Indapamide contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C16H16ClN3O3S, calculated on the anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 降血壓藥
- 主成分
- Dihydroergotamine Mesilate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 101.0% of C34H41N5O8S, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 治偏頭痛藥。
- 主成分
- Neostigmine Methylsulfate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C13H22N2O6S, calculated on dried basis.
- 適應症
- 擬副交感神經藥
- 主成分
- Amlodipine Besilate contains not less than 97.0 % and not more than 102.0 % of C26H31ClN2O8S, calculated on the anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 治療高血壓,鈣離子拮抗劑
- 主成分
- Levetiracetam contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C8H14N2O2, calculated on the anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 抗癲癇藥
- 主成分
- Sitagliptin Phosphate Monohydrate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C16H15F6N5O‧H3PO4‧H2O, calculated on the anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 降血糖藥
- 主成分
- Amitriptyline Hydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C20H24ClN, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 治療憂鬱藥。
- 主成分
- Trazodone Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C19H22ClN5O‧HCl, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 抗憂鬱劑
- 主成分
- Flurbiprofen contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C15H13FO2, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 消炎藥、鎮痛藥。
- 主成分
- Olmesartan Medoxomil contains not less than 97.5% and not more than 102.0% of C29H30N6O6, calculated on the anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 高血壓用藥
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗癌藥
- 主成分
- Famotidine contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.5% of C8H15N7O2S3, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 組織胺H2接受體拮抗劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗炎性皮質固醇
- 主成分
- Dasatinib contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C22H26ClN7O2S‧H2O, calculated on anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 白血病用藥
- 主成分
- Tolterodine Tartrate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C26H37NO7, calculated on anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 治療尿失禁
- 主成分
- Tofacitinib Citrate not less than 98.5% of C16H20N6O.C6H8O7, calculated on anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 免疫抑制劑
- 主成分
- Nicergoline contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C24H26BrN3O3, calculated on anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 末梢血液循環障礙。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗原蟲劑。
- 主成分
- Bethanechol chloride contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 101.5% of C7H17ClN2O2, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 副交感神經興奮藥
- 主成分
- Mesna contains not less than 96.0 % and not more than 102.0 % of C2H5NaO3S2, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 痰液溶解劑
- 主成分
- Valproic Acid contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C8H16O2.
- 適應症
- 抗癲癇藥
- 主成分
- Metformin Hydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C4H12N5Cl, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 糖尿病
- 主成分
- Doxylamine Succinate (Doxylamine Hydrogen Succinate) contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C21H28N2O5, calculated on the anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 抗組織胺藥
- 主成分
- Aciclovir contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C8H11N5O3, calculated on the anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 抗病毒藥
- 主成分
- Levetiracetam contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C8H14N2O2, calculated on the anhydrous and solvent-free basis..
- 適應症
- 抗癲癇藥
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗病毒藥
- 主成分
- Norepinephrine Bitartrate contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 102.0% of C8H11NO3.C4H4O6, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 昇壓劑
- 主成分
- Labetalol Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C19H25ClN2O3, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 擬交感神經β-接受體遮斷劑
- 主成分
- Oseltamivir Phosphate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 101.5% of C16H28N2O4.H3PO4, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 流行性感冒用藥
- 主成分
- Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C18H28BrNO2, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 鎮咳藥
- 主成分
- Dipyridamole contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C24H40N8O4, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 血小板集結降低藥
- 主成分
- Dexlansoprazole Amorphous contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C16H14F3N3O2S, calculated on anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 消化性潰瘍
- 主成分
- Imipramine Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C19H25ClN2, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 治療憂鬱藥
- 主成分
- Aprepitant contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C23H21F7N4O3, calculated on anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 止吐藥
- 主成分
- Pirfenidone contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C12H11NO, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 治療特發性肺纖維化用藥
- 主成分
- Ticlopidine Hydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C14H15Cl2NS, calculated on the anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 血小板凝集抑制劑
- 主成分
- Abiraterone Acetate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C26H33NO2.
- 適應症
- 轉移性前列腺癌用藥
- 主成分
- Telmisartan(Process II) contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C33H30N4O2, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 降血壓藥
- 主成分
- Cabergoline contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C26H37N5O2, calculated on anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 泌乳素抑制劑
- 主成分
- Mebhydrolin Napadisilate contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of (C19H20N2)2‧C10H8O6S2, calculated on dried basis.
- 適應症
- 抗組織胺劑
- 主成分
- Dexamethasone contains not less than 97.0% and not more than the equivalent of 103.0% of C22H29FO5, calculated with reference to the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗炎性皮質固醇。
- 主成分
- Spironolactone contains not less than 97.5% and not more than 102.0% of C24H32O4S, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 利尿藥
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 組織胺H2接受體拮抗劑
- 主成分
- Sitagliptin Phosphate monohydrate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C16H15F6N5O‧H3PO4‧H2O, calculated on the anhydrous and solvent-free basis.
- 適應症
- 降血糖藥
- 主成分
- Ketoconazole contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C26H28Cl2N4O4,calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 抗真菌藥。
- 主成分
- Escitalopram Oxalate contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C22H23FN2O5, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 憂鬱症之治療及預防復發
- 主成分
- Estriol contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 103.0% of C18H24O3, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 女性荷爾蒙
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 治療子宮內膜異位症伴隨之骨盆腔疼痛
- 主成分
- Carbocisteine contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C5H9NO4S, calculated with reference to the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 減少呼吸道粘膜分泌的粘稠性。
- 主成分
- Pregabalin contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 101.0% of C8H17NO2, calculated on the anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 治療癲癇用藥
- 主成分
- Budesonide (micronized) contains not less than 98.0 % and not more than 102.0 % of C25H34O6, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 抗炎性皮質固醇(支氣管抗炎劑)
- 主成分
- Pregabalin contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C8H17NO2, calculated on the anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 治療癲癇用藥
- 主成分
- Omeprazole contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C17H19N3O3S, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 胃潰瘍治療藥
- 主成分
- Pentoxifylline contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C13H18N4O3, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 周圍血管舒張劑
- 主成分
- Mefenamic Acid contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C15H15NO2, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 鎮痛藥
- 主成分
- Atropine contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C17H23NO3, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 副交感神經抑制藥。
- 主成分
- Doxepin Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 101.0% of C19H22ClNO, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 治療憂鬱藥
- 主成分
- Amiodarone Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C25H30ClI2NO3, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 不整脈治療劑
- 主成分
- Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 100.5% of C6H8O6.
- 適應症
- 抗壞血病維生素
- 主成分
- Bezafibrate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C19H20ClNO4,calculated with reference to the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 降血脂劑。
- 主成分
- Dapagliflozin Propanediol monohydrate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C21H25ClO6。C3H8O2。H2O, calculated on anhyrous substance。
- 適應症
- 降血糖用藥
- 主成分
- Ofloxacin contains not less than 99.0% and not more than the equivalent of 101.0% of C18H20FN3O4, calculated with reference to the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗菌劑。
- 主成分
- Sugammadex Sodium contains not less than 95.0% and not more than 102.0% of C72H104Na8O48S8, calculated on anhydrous and solvent free basis.
- 適應症
- 拮抗rocuronium或vecuronium誘導的神經肌肉阻斷
- 主成分
- Famciclovir contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C14H19N5O4, calculated on dried basis.
- 適應症
- 抗病毒劑
- 主成分
- Levonorgestrel contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C21H28O2, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 內分泌素
- 主成分
- Terbinafine Hydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C21H26ClN, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 抗黴菌劑。
- 主成分
- Mebeverine Hydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C25H35NO5‧HCl, calculated with reference to the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 平滑肌鬆弛劑
- 主成分
- Dutasteride contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 102.0% of C27H30F6N2O2, calculated on the anhydrous and solvent-free basis.
- 適應症
- 良性攝護腺增生之治療;雄性素致效劑。
- 主成分
- Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.0% and more than 102.0% of C17H18FN3O3?HCl, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 抗菌藥。
- 主成分
- Biperiden Hydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C21H30ClNO, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗帕金森氏症藥
- 主成分
- Tiaprofenic Acid contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C14H12O3S, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 消炎鎮痛
- 主成分
- Fluconazole contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0 % of C13H12F2N6O, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗黴菌藥
- 主成分
- Flurbiprofen contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C15H13FO2, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 消炎藥、鎮痛藥
- 主成分
- Clobetasol Propionate contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 102.0% of C25H32ClFO5, calculated with reference to the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗炎性皮質固醇。
- 主成分
- Tofacitinib Citrate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C16H20N6O‧C6H8O7, calculated on dried basis.
- 適應症
- 免疫抑制劑
- 主成分
- Tadalafil contains not less than 97.5% and not more than 102.0% of C22H19N3O4, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 男性勃起障礙治療
- 主成分
- Tazarotene contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C21H21NO2S, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 乾癬及尋常性痤瘡。
- 主成分
- Duloxetine Hydrochloride contains not less than 97.5% and not more than 102.0% of C18H20ClNOS, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗憂鬱藥。
- 主成分
- Carbamazepine contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C15H12N2O, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 痙攣藥、三叉神經痛治療藥。
- 主成分
- Apixaban contains not less than 98.0 % and not more than 102.0 % of C25H25N5O4, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗血栓劑
- 主成分
- Amiodarone Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C25H30ClI2NO3, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 不整脈治療劑
- 主成分
- Verapamil Hydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C27H39ClN2O4, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 鈣離子阻斷劑
- 主成分
- Febuxostat contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C16H16N2O3S, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 高尿酸血症用藥。
- 主成分
- Methyltestosterone contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 103.0% of C20H30O2, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 男性內分泌藥
- 主成分
- Naproxen contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.5% of C14H14O3, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 消炎鎮痛藥。
- 主成分
- Orphenadrine Citrate contains not less than 98.5 % and not more than 101.0% of C24H31NO8, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 骨骼肌鬆弛藥
- 主成分
- Gliclazide contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C15H21N3O3S, calculated with reference to the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 降血糖劑。
- 主成分
- Gemfibrozil contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C15H22O3, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 降血脂劑。
- 主成分
- Trihexyphenidyl Hydrchloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C20H31NO.HCl, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 副交感神經抑制藥
- 主成分
- Tobramycin contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 102.0% of C18H37N5O9, calculated on the anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 抗生素
- 主成分
- Ketoconazole contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C26H28Cl2N4O4, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 抗真菌藥
- 主成分
- Carisoprodol contains not less than 98% and not more than 102.0% of C12H24N2O4, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 骨骼肌弛緩劑
- 主成分
- Vildagliptin contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0 % of C17H25N3O2, calculated on solvent-free and anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 降血糖藥
- 主成分
- Ursodeoxycholic Acid contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C24H40O4, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 利膽藥
- 主成分
- Oxybutynin contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 101.0% of C22H31NO3, calculated on dried basis.
- 適應症
- 副交感神經抑制藥
- 主成分
- Empagliflozin contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C23H27ClO7, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 降血糖用藥
- 主成分
- Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 101.0% of C19H30N5O10P‧C4H4O4, calculated with reference to the anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 抗病毒藥
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗濾過性病毒劑
- 主成分
- Butenafine Hydrochloride Butenafine Hydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C23H27N‧HCl, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗黴菌劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 降血糖劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 支氣管擴張劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗黴菌劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 利尿劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 降血壓劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- H2接受器之拮抗劑、消化性潰瘍。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 腦血管及末梢循環障礙。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 散瞳劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗徽菌。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 痛風。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗黴菌。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 消炎酵素
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗組織胺劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 支氣管性氣喘、過敏性支氣管炎。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 副交感神經抑制劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗菌劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗病毒劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 支氣管擴張劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 胃潰瘍、十二指腸潰瘍、逆流性食道炎、ZOLLINGER?ELLISON症候群
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 胃腸平滑肌抗痙攣劑。,.
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗黴菌劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 降血糖劑。,.
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗黴菌劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 袪痰
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 帕金森病症之輔助治療劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 肌肉鬆弛劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗組織胺劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 鎮痛、消炎劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 鎮痛、抗炎劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 降壓劑。,.
- 主成分
- 適應症
- β型交感神經阻斷劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗鬱劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 減少呼吸道粘膜分泌的粘稠性。
- 主成分
- Chlorhexidine Digluconate Solution
- 適應症
- 皮膚消毒劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- H2受體拮抗劑。,*
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 維他命D3缺乏症
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗鬱劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗黴菌劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗菌劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 醣類代謝皮質素。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 高血壓。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗黴菌劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 大腸刺激性緩瀉劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗組織胺藥。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 降血糖劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 帕金森氏症。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗炎劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗黴菌劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 降血糖劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- H2接受體拮抗劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 肝臟機能障礙劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗組織胺劑
- 主成分
- Omeprazole contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C17H19N3O3S, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 胃潰瘍治療藥
- 主成分
- Sennosides contains not less than 90.0% and not more than 110.0% of the labeled amount of sennosides. The labeled amount is not less than 60.0%, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 緩瀉劑
- 主成分
- Glibenclamide contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C23H28CIN3O5S (dried substance).
- 適應症
- 糖尿病治療劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 止痛劑。
- 主成分
- Chlorzoxazone contains not less than 98.0% not more than 120.0% of C7H4ClNO2, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 肌肉鬆弛劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 袪痰劑。
- 主成分
- Haloperidol Decanoate contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C31H41ClFNO3.(dried substance)
- 適應症
- 抗精神病藥物
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 鎮咳劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 骨骼肌鬆弛劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 鎮咳劑,.
- 主成分
- Oxolamine citrate contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C14H19N3O.C6H8O7, calculated with reference to the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 鎮咳劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 副交感神經抑制劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 末梢血管循環障礙。
- 主成分
- Mebeverine Hydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% an d not more than 101.0% of C25H35NO5?HCl, calculated with reference to the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 平滑肌鬆弛劑。
- 主成分
- Levofloxacin Hemihydrate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C18H20FN3O4, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 抗生素
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗組織胺劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 鈣離子調節劑。,.
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 副腎皮質荷爾蒙劑。,.
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 心室性心律不整。
- 主成分
- Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C18H26ClN3O‧H2SO4, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 抗瘧藥、抗風濕藥、紅斑性狼瘡抑制劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗炎劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 解熱、鎮痛抗炎劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗炎性皮質固醇劑,.
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 帕金森氏症。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 末梢血液循環障礙。
- 主成分
- Escin free acid contains not less than 95.0% of C55H86O24, calculated with reference to the anhydrous and solvent-free substance.
- 適應症
- 消腫、抗炎。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 降血壓劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 焦慮狀態。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 治療慢性肝病、肝硬變及脂肪肝之佐藥。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 減少呼吸道粘膜分泌的粘稠性。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 交感神經β感受體遮斷劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 降血糖劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 止瀉劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抑制催乳素分泌。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 胃潰瘍、十二指腸潰瘍。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 袪痰劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 肌肉鬆弛劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 鎮痛、抗炎劑。,.
- 主成分
- Tioconazole contains not less than 97.0 and not more than 103.0% of C16H13Cl3N2OS.
- 適應症
- 感受性黴菌引起之局部感染。
- 主成分
- Doxepin Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 101.0% of C19H22ClNO.(dried substance)
- 適應症
- 抗憂鬱症
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗痛風藥。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 高血壓。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 精神病狀態。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 副腎上腺皮質素。,.
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 散瞳劑。
- 主成分
- Enalapril maleate contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.5% of C24H32N2O9, calculated with reference to the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 降血壓劑。
- 主成分
- Metformin Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C4H12ClN5 (dried substance).
- 適應症
- 降血糖劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- BETA交感神經遮斷劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 降血壓藥。
- 主成分
- Nalidixic acid contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C12H12N2O3,calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 抗菌劑
- 主成分
- Casanthranol contains not less than 90.0% and not more than 110.0% of Casanthranol.
- 適應症
- 瀉藥
- 主成分
- Flutamide \ncontains not less than 98.0% and not more than 101.0% of C11H11F3N2O3, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 前列腺癌的輔助治療。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 鎮痛、抗炎劑。,.
- 主成分
- Carisoprodol contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C12H24N2O4 on dried basis.
- 適應症
- 骨骼肌弛緩劑。
- 主成分
- Citalopram Hydrobromide contains less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C20H21FN2O, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 抗憂鬱劑。
- 主成分
- Ursodeoxycholic Acid, when dried, contains not less than 98.5% of C24H40O4.
- 適應症
- 利膽藥。
- 主成分
- Cefmetazole Sodium contains not less than 860ug (potency) and not more than 965ug (potency) per mg, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 抗生素
- 主成分
- Betamethasone valerate contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 103.0% of C27H37FO6, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗炎性皮質醇
- 主成分
- Flavoxate Hydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C24H25NO4,HCl,calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 肌肉鬆弛劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 因膀胱神經之控制不適所伴隨排尿諸症之緩解。
- 主成分
- Ibuprofen contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C13H18O2, calculated with reference to the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 消炎劑。
- 主成分
- Labetalol Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.5% and not more than the equivalent of 101.0% of C19H25ClN2O3,calculated with reference to the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 降血壓劑。
- 主成分
- Ramipril contains not less than 98.0 and not more than 101.0% of C23H32N2O5, calculated with reference to the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 高血壓。
- 主成分
- Policresulen 50% solution contains not less than 45% w/w and not more than 55% w/w of C23H24O12S3.
- 適應症
- 抗菌劑。
- 主成分
- Glucosamine Sulfate Sodium Chloride contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of (C6H14NO5)2SO4‧ 2NaCl, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 緩解退化性關節炎之疼痛。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 副交感神經遮斷劑。
- 主成分
- Clipizide contains not less than 98.0% and not more than the equivalent of 102.0% of C21H27N5O4S,calculated with reference to the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 降血糖劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗高血壓劑。
- 主成分
- Lactulose contains not less than 95.0% (636.5g/l) and not more than 105.0% ( 703.5g/l) of the labeled amount(670g/l) of lactulose (C12H22O11).
- 適應症
- 緩瀉劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 止痛劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 抗炎性皮質固醇。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 血管擴張劑。
- 主成分
- Bromelain contains not less than 600 CDU/mg.
- 適應症
- 炎症症狀之緩解
- 主成分
- Mephenoxalone contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C11H13NO4,calculated with reference to the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 緩解由脊髓或肌肉痙攣引起的疼痛。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 高血壓、鬱血性心臟衰竭。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 消炎劑。
- 主成分
- Butamirate Citrate contains not less than 98% and not more than 101% of C18H29NO3* C6H8O7
- 適應症
- 鎮咳劑
- 主成分
- Paclitaxel contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 102.0% of C47H51NO14, calculated on the anhydrous, solvent-free basis.
- 適應症
- 抗癌藥。
- 主成分
- Dehydrocholic Acid contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C24H34O5,calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 利膽劑。
- 主成分
- Cobamamide contains not less than 96.0% and not more than 102.0% of C72H100CoN18O17P, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 維生素B
- 主成分
- Sodium Cromoglicate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 101.0% of C23H14Na2O11, calculated with dried substance.
- 適應症
- 支氣管擴張劑
- 主成分
- Fluoxetine Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% C17H19ClF3NO3, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 抗憂鬱劑。
- 主成分
- Procaterol Hydrochloride Hemihydrate contains not less than 98.5% of C16H22N2O3?HCl, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 支氣管擴張劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 非類固醇抗炎劑。
- 主成分
- Terpin Hydrate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 100.5% of C10H20O2, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 祛痰。
- 主成分
- Amlodipine Besylate contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 102.0% of C26H31ClN2O8S, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 心臟血管用藥
- 主成分
- Oxybutynin Chloride contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 102.0% of C22H31NO3。HCl, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 因膀胱神經之控制不適所伴隨排尿諸症之緩解。
- 主成分
- Lisinopril contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C21H31N3O5, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 高血壓藥(高壓素梅抑制劑)。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 促尿酸排泄劑 。
- 主成分
- Desoximetasone contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 103.0% of C22H29FO4,calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 濕疹、牛皮癬、燒傷、晒傷、昆蟲咬傷等皮膚感染症。
- 主成分
- Tamsulosin Hydrochloridecontains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C20H29ClN2O5S, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 前列腺肥大症伴隨的排尿障礙。
- 主成分
- Indapamide contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C16H16CIN3O3S,calcuated with reference to the anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 高血壓。
- 主成分
- Bupropion Hydrochloride contains not less than 98% and not more than 102.0% of C13H18ClNO.HCl, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 憂鬱症
- 主成分
- Pioglitazone Hydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C19H20N2O3S.HCl, calculated on dried basis.
- 適應症
- 糖尿病。
- 主成分
- Cilostazol contains not less then 98.0% and not more then 102.0% of C20H27N5O2, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 抗血栓;緩解間歇性跛足的症狀。
- 主成分
- Clobetasone Butyrate contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 102.0% of C26H32ClFO5, calculated with dried substance.
- 適應症
- 外用抗炎性皮質醇。
- 主成分
- Sulfamethoxazole Sodium contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 100.5% of C10H10N3NaO3S (dried substance).
- 適應症
- 抗菌藥。
- 主成分
- Pinaverium Bromide contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C26H41NO4Br2, calculated with reference to the anhydrous and solvent-free substance.
- 適應症
- 鎮痙劑。
- 主成分
- Benserazide HCl contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C10H16ClN3O5, calculated with reference to the anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 帕金森氏症。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 治痛風藥。
- 主成分
- Gliclazide contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C15H21N3O3S, calculated with reference to the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 糖尿病治療藥。
- 主成分
- Flurbiprofen contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C15H13FO2 (dried substance)
- 適應症
- 解熱、鎮痛抗炎劑。
- 主成分
- Betahistine Dihydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C8H14Cl2N2, calculated with dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗組織胺作用。
- 主成分
- Megestrol Acetate contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 103.0% of C24H32O4, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 女性內分泌藥。
- 主成分
- Fluconazole contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C13H12F2N6O, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗黴菌劑
- 主成分
- Oxolamine citrate contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C14H19N3O‧ C6H8O7,calculated with reference to the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 鎮咳劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 鎮痛、抗炎劑。
- 主成分
- Gabapentin contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C9H17NO2, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 抗痙攣藥。
- 主成分
- Centella Asiatica Triterpenes not less than 36.0% and not more than 44.0% of Asiaticoside calculated with reference to anhydrous substance.\nCentella Asiatica Triterpenes not less than 56.0% and not more than 64.0% of genins, as sum of Asiatic acid Madecassic acid calculated with reference to the anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 灼傷、燙傷、外傷、開刀創傷、皮膚移植、潰瘍及褥瘡。
- 主成分
- Cetirizine dihydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and more than 100.5% of C21H27Cl3N2O3, calculated with reference to the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗組織胺劑。
- 主成分
- Irbesartan contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C25H28N6O, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 降血壓劑
- 主成分
- Anastrozole contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C17H19N5,calculated on the anhydrous and solvent-free basis.
- 適應症
- 抗癌藥
- 主成分
- Nizatidine contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 101.0% of C12H21N5O2S2, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 組織胺H2接受體拮抗劑
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 利膽劑
- 主成分
- Carisoprodol contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C12H24N2O4 on dried basis.
- 適應症
- 骨骼肌弛緩劑
- 主成分
- Risperidone contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C23H27FN4O2, calculated with dried substance.
- 適應症
- 精神異常引起之相關症狀劑。
- 主成分
- Terconazole contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C26H31Cl2N5O3, calculated with reference to the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗黴菌藥。
- 主成分
- Budesonide contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102% of C25H34O6, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 支氣管氣喘
- 主成分
- Hydrocortisone Acetate contains 97.0% to 102.0% of C23H32O6 (dried substance).
- 適應症
- 腎上腺皮質素
- 主成分
- Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C17H18FN3O3.HCl, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 抗菌劑。
- 主成分
- Losartan Potassium contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C22H22ClKN6O, calculated on the anhydrous, solvent-free basis.
- 適應症
- 降血壓劑。
- 主成分
- Irinotecan Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C33H38N4O6。HCl, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 抗癌藥
- 主成分
- Bisacodyl contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 101.0% of C22H19NO4, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 瀉劑。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 消化性潰瘍。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 噁心、嘔吐、胃腸氣脹。
- 主成分
- Amiloride Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 101.0% of C6H8ClN7O˙HCl˙2H2O, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 利尿劑
- 主成分
- Mometasone Furoate contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 103% of C27H30Cl2O6, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 腎上腺皮質類固醇
- 主成分
- Fluticasone Propionate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 101.0% of C25H31F3O5S, calculated on the anhydrous, solvent-free basis.
- 適應症
- 緩解皮膚病之發炎以及搔癢症狀用藥。
- 主成分
- Flumethasone Pivalate contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 103% of C27H36F2O6, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗炎性皮質醇(外用)。
- 主成分
- Chlorhexidine Acetate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 101.0% of C26H38Cl2N10O4, calcualted on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 殺菌消毒劑
- 主成分
- Paroxetine Hydrochloride Hemihydrate contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 102.0% of C19H20FNO3 · HCl · ½H2O, calculated on the anhydrous and solvent-free basis.
- 適應症
- 治療憂鬱症、強迫症、恐慌症藥。
- 主成分
- Carvedilol contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C24H26N2O4, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 高血壓、鬱血性心臟衰竭用藥。
- 主成分
- Zolpidem Tartrate contains not less than 98.5% and not more than the equivalent of 101.0% of C42H48N6O8, calculated with reference to the anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 鎮靜劑。
- 主成分
- Galantamine Hydrobromide contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C17H21NO3‧HBr, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 阿茲海默氏症治療用藥
- 主成分
- Medroxyprogesterone Acetate contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 103% of C24H34O4, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 習慣性流產、迫切性流產、子宮內膜症、抑制排卵
- 主成分
- Bupropion Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C13H18ClNO.HCl, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 憂鬱症。
- 主成分
- Cyproterone Acetate contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 103.0% of C24H29ClO4, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗雄性激素劑
- 主成分
- Fluocinonide contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 103.0% of C26H32F2O7, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 抗發炎劑
- 主成分
- Prilocaine contains not less than 99.0 % and not more than 101.0 % of C13H20N2O, calculated on anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 局部麻醉劑
- 主成分
- N(2)-L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine contains not less than 98.5% of C8H15N3O4, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 胺基酸營養劑
- 主成分
- Warfarin Sodium Clathrate [(C19H15NaO4)‧(C3H8O)1/2] contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of Warfarin Sodium, calculated on the anhydrous and propan-2-ol free substance.
- 適應症
- 抗凝血劑
- 主成分
- Deferasirox contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C21H15N3O4, calculated on dried basis.
- 適應症
- 排鐵劑
- 主成分
- Caspofungin Acetate not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C52H88N10O15・2 C2H4O2, calculated on anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 抗真菌藥物
- 主成分
- Lovastatin contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C24H36O5, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 降膽固醇藥
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 降血脂藥。
- 主成分
- Moclobemide contains not less than 99.0 % and not more than 101.0 % of C13H17ClN2O2, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗憂鬱症。
- 主成分
- Lysozyme Hydrochloride activity (on dried basis) ≧ 36.000 Units FIP/mg.
- 適應症
- 消炎酵素劑
- 主成分
- Metformin Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.0 % and not more than 102.0 % of C4H11N5‧HCl, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 糖尿病治療藥
- 主成分
- Irinotecan Hydrochloride Trihydrate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C33H38N4O6‧HCl, calculated on anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 抗癌藥
- 主成分
- Mebeverine Hydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C25H36ClNO5, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 平滑肌鬆弛劑
- 主成分
- Tadalafil contains not less than 97.5% and not more than 102.0% of C22H19N3O4, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 男性勃起障礙治療
- 主成分
- Neostigmine Methylsulfate contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C13H22N2O6S, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 擬副交感神經藥
- 主成分
- Terlipressin is available as Terlipressin Acetate. Terlipressin contains not less than 95.0% and not more than 105.0% of C52H74N16O15S2 calculated on the anhydrous, acetic acid-free substance.
- 適應症
- 出血性食道靜脈曲張、第一型肝腎症候群。
- 主成分
- Etodolac contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C17H21NO3, calculated on anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 消炎鎮痛藥
- 主成分
- Sulindac contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C20H17FO3S, calcluated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 鎮痛、消炎劑。
- 主成分
- Sodium Picosulfate contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 100.5% of C18H13NNa2O8S2‧H2O, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 便祕
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 末梢血管循環障礙。
- 主成分
- 適應症
- 消炎鎮痛劑。
- 主成分
- Cefmetazole Sodium contains 860μg/mg~965μg/mg of C15H16N7NaO5S3 (on the anhydrous basis)
- 適應症
- 抗生素
- 主成分
- Amiodarone Hydrochloride contains not less than 98.5% and not more than 101.0% of C25H30ClI2NO3, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗心律不整劑
- 主成分
- Mometasone Furoate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C27H30Cl2O6, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗發炎藥
- 主成分
- Ciclopirox Olamine contains not less than 76.0% and not more than 78.5.0% of ciclopirox(C12H17NO2), and not less than 22.2% and not more than 23.3% of 2-aminoethanol (C2H7NO), calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗黴菌劑
- 主成分
- Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C8H9NO2, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 鎮痛藥,解熱藥。
- 主成分
- Quetiapine Hemifumarate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C42H50N6O4S2‧C4H4O4, calculated on dried substance.
- 適應症
- 抗精神病藥物
- 主成分
- Cilostazol contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C20H27N5O2, calculated on the dried basis.
- 適應症
- 抗血栓劑
- 主成分
- Metoclopramide Hydrochloride contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of C14H23Cl2N3O2, H2O, calculated with reference to the anhydrous substance.
- 適應症
- 鎮痙鎮吐藥
- 主成分
- Glimepiride contains not less than 97.0% and not more than 102.0% of C24H34N4O5S, calculated on anhydrous and solvent - free substance.
- 適應症
- 非胰島素依賴型(第二型)糖尿病
- 主成分
- Hydrochlorothazide contains not less than 97.5% and not more than 102.0% of C7H8ClN3O4S2, calculated on the dried substance.
- 適應症
- 利尿劑
- 主成分
- Escitalopram oxalate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of C20H21FN2O‧C2H2O4, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 憂鬱症之治療及預防復發
- 主成分
- Prednisolone Sodium Phosphate contains not less than 96.0 % and not more than 102.0 % of C21H27Na2O8P, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
- 適應症
- 抗炎性皮質固醇