Liquid animal sera produced by immunization of rabbits with highly purified human RbP
許可證數量: 1
Microplate Strips12 strips×8 wells, coated with human purified β-glycoprotein I antigen, foil pouch containsdesiccantCalibrators6 vials of b2-glycoprotein I IgM antibody calibrators at concentration of 0-4-8-20-50-100 U/ml in
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Reactive components in the lyophilizate: Human serum with chemical additives and material of biological origin as specified. The origin the biological additives is as follows: Analyte Origin HDL-cholesterol hum
許可證數量: 1
REAGENT PACK, 100 TESTS AxSYM Myoglobin Reagent Pack: 1.1 Bottle (14.6 mL) Anti-Myoglobin coated Microparticles in TRIS buffer 2.1 Bottle (13.4 mL) Anti-Myoglobin :Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugate in TRIS buffer with protein st
許可證數量: 1
Reagent:Each disc contains the antibiotic of P-Aminosalicylic Accid 10ug, or 50ug.
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Reagent:Each disc contains the antibiotic of Quinupristin/Dalfopristin(Synercid) 4.5 ug/10.5 ug
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ReagentsCRYPTATE CONJUGATE 1 vial: Anti-CRP monoclonal antibody conjugated with europium cryptate, buffer, bovine albumin, non-immunised mice immunoglobulins and potassium fluoride.XL665 CONJUGATE 1vial: Anti-CRP monoclonal a
許可證數量: 1
1.快速血漿反應素抗原試藥(RPR ANTIGEN REAGENT):一種含微小碳粒之心臟脂質懸浮液。 2.陽性對照血清(POSITIVE CONTROL):含有穩定劑之溶液,可與RPR抗原反應。 3.陰性對照血清(NEGATIVE CONTROL):含有穩定劑之溶液,不能與RPR抗原反應。
許可證數量: 1
25-fold concentration of Tris-HCl buffered (PH7.8) salt solution with iween 20.
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Access Cortisol ReagentR1a: Cortisol-alkaline phosphatase (bovine) conjugate and paramagnetic particles coated with goat anti-rabbit IgG in TRIS buffered saline, with surfactant, BSA matrix. R1b: Rabbit antiserum to cortiso
許可證數量: 1
Access Theophylline ReagentR1a: Paramagnetic particles coated with goat anti-mouse IgG suspended in TRIS buffered saline, with surfactant, bovine serum albumin (BSA) matrix, <0.1% sodium azide, and 0.1% ProClin** 300. R1b:
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Access Total IgE ReagentR1a: Paramagnetic particles coated with goat anti-mouse IgG: mouse monoclonal anti-IgE complexes suspended in TRIS buffered saline, with surfactant, BSA matrix, protein (goat). R1b: Equine anti-IgE-a
許可證數量: 1
Access Vitamin B12R1a: Paramagnetic particles coated with goat anti-mouse IgG: mouse monoclonal anti-intrinsic factor complexes, TRIS buffered saline, surfactant, bovine serum albumin (BSA). R1b: Borate buffer with surfacta
許可證數量: 1
ASO Reagent Buffer solution (R-1):Glycine buffer solution Latex suspension (R-2):0.17 w/v % suspension of latex particles sensitized with SLO ASO Calibrator:ASO level 500 IU/mL, 5mL x 1
許可證數量: 1
AxSYM Phenytoin Reagent Pack1 Bottle (14.5mL) <1% Phenytoin Antiserum. 1 Bottle (8.6mL) Pretreatment Solution.1 Bottle (15.1mL) <0.01% Phenytoin Fluorescein Tracer.6 Bottles (6 mL A, 4mL each B-F) of AxSYM Phenytoin Standard
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CRP MPE reagent 5.0 ml(proccssed goat serum)
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Each disc contains the antibiotic of Linezolid 30 ug.
許可證數量: 1
IMx Free T4 Reagent Pack, 100 Tests 1. 1 Bottle (9.0ml) Anti-T4 (sheep) Coated Microparticles in TRIS buffer with protein stabilizers.2. 1 Bottle (8.0ml) T3:Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugate in TRIS buffer with protein stabiliz
許可證數量: 1
IMx Prolactin Reagent Pack1. 1 Bottle (5.5mL) Anti-Prolactin (Mouse, Monoclonal) Coated Microparticles.2. 1 Bottle (5.5mL) Anti-Prolactin (Rabbit): Alkaline Phosphatae Conjugate.3. 1 Bottle (10mL) 4-Methylumbelliferyl Phospha
許可證數量: 1
Liquid antinal sera produced by immunization of rabbits with highly purified human haptoglobin.
許可證數量: 1
R1 TRIS 224 mmol/L L-Alanine 1120 mmol/L LDH (microbial) ≧45 μkat/L(≧1.25kU/L) Albumin (bovine) 0.25 % Sodium azide 0.09 %R2 NADH ≧ 1.7 mmol/L 2-Oxoglutarate 94 mmol/L Sodium azide 0.09 %
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Reactive component: Phenobarbital in human serum
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Reactive components: Amikacin in human serum
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Reactive components: Aqueous buffer solution containing ammonia, ethanol and sodium bicarbonate
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Reactive components: Digoxin in human serum
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Reactive components:Lidocaine in human serum
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Reactive components:Phenytoin in human serum
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Reactive components:PROCAINAMIDE in human serum
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Reactive Ingredients: Quantity phosphoenolpyruvate 0.39 mg/cm2 phoshoenolpyruvate carboxylase 0.20 U/cm2 NADH 0.44 mg/cm2 malate dehydrogena
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Reagent 1: Cias ALB-M Buffer solutionReagent 2: Cias ALB-M Antibody solutionAnti human albumin antibody 0.2-0.9 mg/ml
許可證數量: 1
Reagent: Each disc contains the antibiotic of Novobiocin 30 ug
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Reagent:Each disc contains the antibiotic of Imipenem 10 ug.
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Reagent:Each disc contains the antibiotic of Meropenem 10 ug
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Reagent:Each disc contains the antibiotic of Mezlocillin 75 ug.
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Reagent:Each disc contains the antibiotic of Trimethoprim 5 ug.
許可證數量: 1
Reagent:Factor X Reagent: lyophilized preparation containing approximately 2 nmol of bovine F.X, tris-(hydroxymethyle)-aminomethan (Tris) Buffer at pH 8 and stabilizers.Factor Ixa Reagent: lyophilized preparation containing a
許可證數量: 1
REAGENT:Measurand Cal 2 Ca 3.75 mmol/L (15.0 mg/dL) Cl 109 mmol/L CO2 Crea 707.2 umol/L (8.0 mg/dL) Glu 2.78 mmol/L (50 mg/dL) K
許可證數量: 1
T3 Antibody-Coated Tubes:100 tubes/package T3 Tracer Solution:Less than 10 μCi (370 kBq) per bottle of Triiodothyronine [125 I] in barbital buffer with bovine serum albumin.T3 Reference Serum:Human serum with 0.1% sodium azi
許可證數量: 1
TDx/TDxFLx Benzodiazepines Serum Reagent Pack(batch) W Wash Solution. Buffer with surfactant and protein stabilizer (4.0ml) S <25% Benzodiazepines Serum Antiserum (Rabbit) in buffer with protein stabilizer (4.0ml) T <0.01%Ben
許可證數量: 1
Tobrmycin in human serum
許可證數量: 1
Tris 100 mmol/l,氯化鈉 4.5 mmol/l,甘氨酸 150 mmol/l andL-γ-谷胺酰 3-羧基-4-硝基苯胺 150 mmol/L
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Tris 緩衝液 100mmol/L,氯化鉀 150mmol/L,乳酸鋰 50mmol/L及β-NAD+ 7.5mmol/L
許可證數量: 1
1. Difco Listeria O Antisera Type1,4 and Poly are lyphilized,polyclonal rabbit antisera containg approximately 0.04% Thimerosal as a preservative. 2.Difco Listeria O Antisera Type1 and 4 (Tube) and (slide) are suspensions of
許可證數量: 1
1.低離子介質溶液(LOW IONIC MEDIUM, LIM):含葡萄糖,乙二胺四醋酸-2鈉及穩定劑。 2.凝聚胺溶液(POLYBRENE SOLUTION):含凝聚胺,氯化鈉及穩定劑。 3.複懸液(RESUSPENDING SOLUTION, RS):含檸檬酸鈉,葡萄糖及穩定劑。 4.陽性對照血清(POSITIVE CONTROL, PC):含抗-D血清(100X),氯化鈉及穩定劑。處方變更為:空白.
許可證數量: 1
Access Digoxin ReagentR1a: Paramagnetic particles coated with goat anti-rabbit IgG suspended in TRISbuffered saline, with surfactant, bovine serum albumin (BSA) matrix, <0.1% sodium azide, and 0.0125% Cosmocil** CQ.R1b: Dig
許可證數量: 1
Difco E. Antiserum O157 and Difco E. coli H Antiserum H 7 are lyophilized, polyclonal rabbit antisera containing approximately 0.04% thimerosal as a preservative.
許可證數量: 1
Each BDProbeTec ET CT/GC Reagent Pack contains:Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) Priming Microwells, 4×96:4 Oligonucleotides ≧7 pmol; dNTP ≧35 nmol; Detector probe ≧25 pmol; with buffers and stabilizer
許可證數量: 1
Each Kit contains: 100Tests/Kit 220Tests/Kit 550Tests/Kit(A) 復元液(Reconstituting solution) (液狀):含Na2HPO4、KH2PO4、Nacl和NaN3敏感化粒子及未敏感化粒子之復元用液 10mL/vial×1 20mL/vial× 20mL/vial×2(B) 血清稀釋用液(Serum Diluent) (液狀):含Na2HPO4、KH2PO4、Nacl和N
許可證數量: 1
Each Kit contains: 220Tests/Kit?(A)復元液(Reconstituting solution) (液狀): 24mL/vial×1敏感化粒子及未敏感化粒子之復元用液 ?(B)血清稀釋用液(Serum Diluent) (液狀): 40Ml×vial×1 稀釋檢體用液, ?(C-1)HIV-1 敏感化粒子(Sensitized particles)(凍乾品): 1.5Ml*/vial×4Lyophilized
許可證數量: 1
l AxSYM Insulin Reagent Pack1 Bottle (6.8mL) Anti-Insulin (Mouse, Monoclonal) Coated Microparticles1 Bottle (11.8mL) Anti-Insulin (Mouse, Monoclonal): Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugate1 Bottle (14.4mL) Assay Buffer in Calf serum
許可證數量: 1