Copper sulfate 6.0 mmol/L
許可證數量: 1
CRYPTATE CONJUGATE:lyophilized Anti-CEA monoclonal antibody conjugated with europium cryptate, buffer, bovine albumine, nonimmunized mice immunoglobulins. 1 vial
許可證數量: 1
CRYPTATE CONJUGATE:lyophilized Anti-CYFRA 21-1 monoclonal antibody conjugated with europium cryptate, buffer, albumine bovine 1 vial
許可證數量: 1
Detection reagent: GLDH (20 IU/mL), synthetic peptide as F XIII substrate (2.4g/L)ADP, glycine ethyl ester (1.4g/L),α-ketoglutarate (2.7g/L), bovine albumin, HEPES buffer (10 mmol/L) pH 6.5
許可證數量: 1
DILUENT: ready-to-use Human serum 1 vial
許可證數量: 1
Drug Concentration (ng/ml)Amphetamines (α-amphetamine) 500Barbiturates(secobarbital) 100Benzodiazepines (nordiazepam)
許可證數量: 1
Each disc contains the antibiotic of Bacitracin 10 μg.
許可證數量: 1
Each disc contains the antibiotic of Vancomycin 5 μg/30 μg.
許可證數量: 1
IMx CMV IgM Reagent PackReagent1. 1Bottle (10mL) Cytomegalovirus (Human;Strain AD169) Coated Microparticles.2. 1 Bottle (3mL) Anti-Human IgM (Goat):Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugate3. 1 Bottle (10mL) 4-Methylumebelliferyl Phosph
許可證數量: 1
Measureand Cal3 Ca - Cl 100 mmol/L CO2 30 mmol/L Crea - Measureand GLU - K 180 mmol/L Na 20 mmol/L Urea Nitrogen - Urea -
許可證數量: 1
NADH Reagent: NADH (0.5g/L), bovine albumin
許可證數量: 1
New born calf serm. 1vail
許可證數量: 1
Nominal Values Used for the Manufactur of VITROS Chemistry Products Calibraotr Kit 9Analyte CalibratorVial 1 CalibraorVial 2 CalibraotorVial 3 units Calibraotorvial 1 Calibraotorvial2 Calibraotorvial unitsAcetaminophen (ACET)
許可證數量: 1
PIPES 50 mmol/L,LPL (microbial) ≧83 μkat/L,GK (microbial) ≧3 μkat/L,GPO (microbial) ≧41μkat/L,POD (horseradish) ≧1.6 μkat/L,ATP 1.4 mmol/L,Mg++ 40 mmol/L,4-Aminophenazone 0.13 mmol/L,4-Chlorophenol 4.2 mmol/L and Sodium chola
許可證數量: 1
Pooled plasma from selected,healthy donor,which has been supplemented with a standardized reference D-Dimer preparation.
許可證數量: 1
R1 Tris buffer: ≧ 0.2 mol/l, pH 8.45; Ferrous ammonium sulfate: ≧ 8.4 μmol/l; Hydroxylamine hydrochloride: ≧0.1 mol/l; Nonionic surfactant: thiourea; Dilute sulfuric acidR2 FerroZine: 20.3 mmol/l; Preservative
許可證數量: 1
Reactive components:Valproic Acid in human serum
許可證數量: 1
Reactive Ingredients: Quantity Immobilized mouse monoclonal anti-carbamazepine antibody 0.02 mg/cm2 carbamazepine-horseradish peroxidase conjugate 1.6 ng/cm2 2-(3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl)-4,5-bis(4-dimethylaminophe
許可證數量: 1
REAGENT CONSTITUENTS Creatine phosphate 53 mmol/L Glucose 18 mmol/L ADP 2.9 mmol/L NAD+
許可證數量: 1
REAGENT PACK, 10 TESTSAxSYM Tricyclic Antidepressants Reagent Pack1 Bottle (5.0 mL)<0.01% Tricyclic Antidepressants Fluorescein Tracer in buffer with surfactant and protein stabilizer. 1 Bottle (4.7 mL)<25% Tricyclic Antidep
許可證數量: 1
Reagent: SYNCHRON Enzyme Validator Kit Level 1 and Level2:SYNCHRON Enzyme Validator is a human serum albumin solution stabilized using ethylene glycol.
許可證數量: 1
Reagent: VITROS TDM Performance Verifier is prepared from bovine serum to which therapeutic drugs, inorganic salts, and preservatives have been added.
許可證數量: 1
Reagent: A lyophilized preparation of human plasma, stabilizers(bovine serum albumin) and buffers.
許可證數量: 1
Reagent: IgE Antibody (particle-bound mouse anti-IgE antibody 3.0 mL) Reaction Buffer 7.7 mL CALIBRATOR CONSTITUENTS Human IgE (diluted in a non-serum matrix) 2mL Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) 6.0%
許可證數量: 1
Reagent: Lyophilized bovine thrombin preparation (approximately 100 NIH units/mL),with stabilizers and buffers.
許可證數量: 1
Reagent:BC von Willebrand Reagent contains stabilized platelets,ristocetin and EDTA in lyophilized form.
許可證數量: 1
Reagent:each Disc Contains The Antibiotic of Colistin 10 μg ,Polymyxin 300 μ.
許可證數量: 1
Reagent:Each disc contains the antibiotic of Ertapenem 10 μg.
許可證數量: 1
Reagent:Vial A Sample Diluent (liquid) Buffer containing stabilizer and 0.09% sodium azide.Vial B Antibody Reagent (liquid) Methadone antibody (goat polyclonal) in buffer and preservative 0.09% sodium azide.
許可證數量: 1
Reagents-working solutionbuffer:125 mmol/L,pH 7.3; L-alanine:625 mmol/L;NADH(yeast):0.23 mmol/L;LDH(microorganisms):≧ 1.5 U/mL; preservative R2 (Bottles 2) α-ketoglutarate:94 mmol/L;preservative
許可證數量: 1
Reagents-working solutionKOH 176 mmol/L, detergent ≦1%,pH13.2
許可證數量: 1
Reagents-working solutionR1 N-methylglucamine:400 mmol/l, pH 9.4(37℃);lithium lactate:61 mmol/lR2 NAD:61 mmol/l; stabilizers and preservatives
許可證數量: 1
Reagents-working solutions Elecsys RBC Folate Hemolyzing Reagent, Cat. No.12017741, for 4x200 mL 4 packs of ascorbic acid, each containing 0.4 g 1 empty plastic bottle for 200 mL
許可證數量: 1
Reagents-working solutions R1 PIPES buffer a:75 mmol/L, pH6.8; Mg 2+ :10 mmol/L;sodium cholate:0.2 mmol/L; 4-aminophenazone ≧0.15 mmol/L;phenol ≧ 4.2 mmol/L;fatty alcohol polyglycol ether:1%; cholesterol esterase (Pseudomona
許可證數量: 1
Reagents-working solutionsR1 MOPS**buffer: 19.1 mmol/L, pH7.0; dextran sulfate: 0.5g/L;magnesium sulfate heptahydrate: ≧8.11 mmol/L; HSDA:0.96 mmol/L;ascorbate oxidase (Eupenicillium sp., recombinant) ≧50 μkat/L;peroxidase (h
許可證數量: 1
Reagents: Analyte originALT (GPT) porcine heartAST (GOT) procine heartAlbumin human serumAldolase rabbit muscleAlkaline phosphatase placenta (human, recombinant)Amylase, total human saliva/porcine pancreasAmylase, pancre
許可證數量: 1
Reagents: Nalidixic Acid 30 μg,Norfloxacin 10 μg,Ciprofloxacin 5 μg,Enoxacin 10 μg,Ofloxacin 5 μg,Lomefloxacin 10 μg,Levofloxacin 5 μg,Sparfloxacin 5 μg,Moxifloxacin 5 μg,Gatifloxacin 5 μg
許可證數量: 1
Reagents:Activator Reagent: bovine thrombin (10 IU/mL), clot inhibitor chloride (1.2g/L),hexadimethrine bromide (10mg/L),bovine albumin, BICINE buffer (100 mmol/L) pH 8.3
許可證數量: 1
REAGENTSMICROPARTICELS1 or 4 Bottle(s) (6.6 mL/27.0 mL) Anti-β TSH (mouse, monoclonal)coated MicroparticlesCONJUGATE1 or 4 Bottle(s) (5.9 mL/26.3 mL) Anti-α TSH(mouse, monoclonal)acridinium-labeled ConjugateASSAY DILUENT1 or
許可證數量: 1
Sulfanilic acid:27 mmol/L HCL:51 mmol/L Sodium nitrite:0.12 mmol/L
許可證數量: 1
TDx/TDxFLx Barbiturates II U Reagent Pack (batch)W Wash Solution. Buffer with protein stabilizer (4.5 ml)S <25% Barbiturates II U Antiserm (Sheep) in buffer with protein stabilizer (4 ml) T <0.01% Barbiturates II U Fluores
許可證數量: 1
XL 665 CONJUGATE:lyophilized Anti-CYFRA 21-1 monoclonal antibody conjugated with XL665, buffer, albumine bovine 1 vial
許可證數量: 1
XL 665 CONJUGATE:ready-to-use Anti-CEA monoclonal antibody conjugated with XL665, buffer, bovine albumine, non-immunized mice immunoglobulins, potassium fluoride. 1 vial
許可證數量: 1
1. 葡萄糖: glucose oxidase, peroxidase, potassium iodide, 緩衝液及非反應物質。2. 蛋白質: tertabromphenol blue, 緩衝液及非反應物質。3. 酸鹼值: methyl red, bromthymol blue及非反應物質。4. 潛血: diisopropylbenzene dihydroperoxide, tetramethylbenzidine, 緩衝液及非反應物質。5.
許可證數量: 1
1.Chlamydia antigen-coated microtiter plate 2. Positive control 3. Negative control 4. Concentrated HRP-Conjugated Anti-Human IgM 5.IgM Serum Diluent 6.Conjugate Diluent 7.Concentrated wash buffer 8.TMB-Substrate 9.Stop Solut
許可證數量: 1
Anti-prealbuminantibody coated particle Buffer Microbial inhibitros Polyethylene glycol Buffer Surfactant Microbial inhibitors
許可證數量: 1
許可證數量: 2
Concentration(ng/ml) Drug Negative Positive Opiates(morphine hydrochloride) 1000 3000 Negative:Opiates(morphine hydrochloride) 1000 ng/mL Positive:Opiates(morphin
許可證數量: 1
FACE Lysing Solution, 10X concentrate, is provided as 100 mL of a proprietary buffered solution containing <15% formaldehyde and <50% diethylene glycol.
許可證數量: 1
Goat Anti-human Immunoglobulin M:12.5 mLAqueous diluent solution:4.5 mLPhosphate Buffer:75.6 mL(19.8 mmol/L)
許可證數量: 1