Test Cards─immobilized detergent extracted M. pneumoniae antigens and human IgM
許可證數量: 1
The calibrators is derived from frozen human plasma that has been defibrinated and processed.
許可證數量: 1
Tris Buffer, pH: 7.95 100 mmol/LGlycylglycine 100 mmol/LL-g-Glutamyl-3-carboxy-4-nitroanilide 4.0 mmol/LAlso contains preservatives.
許可證數量: 1
Uricase ≧ 400 U/l
許可證數量: 1
VDRL Antigen is 0.03% cardiolipin and 0.9% cholesterol dissolved in absolute alcohol with sufficient lecithin (approximately 0.18 - 0.20%).
許可證數量: 1
VDRL Buffered Saline is a 1% sodium chloride solution, pH 6.0 ± 0.1, with 0.5% formaldehyde as a preservative.
許可證數量: 1
VDRL Weakly Reactive Serum is a lyophilized human serum with 0.02% thimerosal as a preservative.
許可證數量: 1
VI530-X Total Protein Buffer:0.6 mol/liter sodium hydroxide, a stabilizer and surfactant. Total Protein Biuret:28 mol/liter cupric sulfate, 0.6 mol/liter sodium hydroxide and stabilizers. VI135-X Total Protein Reagent:9 m
許可證數量: 1
Wash Buffer ─9.5% (weight/vol.) guanidine hydrochloride.
許可證數量: 1
(Reagent)R1 TRIS buffer with bovine serum albumin and immunoglobulins (mouse) in vial A and B (liquid).R2=SR Latex particles coated with anti-CRP (mouse) in vail C (liquid).
許可證數量: 1
(Reagent)R1 Polyethylenglycol (PEG) 50 g/L in phosphate buffer, preservative in vial A (liquid). R2SR= Anti-human transferrin antibody (rabbit) in 100 mmol/L NaCl, preservative in vial C (liquid).
許可證數量: 1
1 Bottle (10mL) AxSYM Ultrasensitive hTSH II Specimen Diluent.
許可證數量: 1
1 Bottle (14.1mL) Anti-hTSH (Goat):Alkalin Phosphatase Conjugate.
許可證數量: 1
1 Bottle (21.5mL) LDS Wash Buffer containing surfactant.
許可證數量: 1
1 Bottle (47mL) TRIS Buffer.
許可證數量: 1
1 Bottle (9.0mL) Anti-hTSH (Mouse,Monoclonal) Coated Microparticles.
許可證數量: 1
1. 1 Bottle (3.8 mL) < 2.5% Acetaminophen Antiserum2. 1 Bottle (5.0 mL) < 0.01% Acetaminophen Fluorescein Tracer3. 1 Bottle (4.4 mL) Pretreatment Solution 6 Bottles (2.5 mL each) of X SYSTEMS Acetaminophen Calibrators, 0, 10,
許可證數量: 1
20 individually packed test cassettes; coated with Ab. against rotavirus / adenovirusExtraction buffer contains 0.1% sodium azideBag with 25 disposable pipettes
許可證數量: 1
3 Bottle (8mL each) of AxSYM Ultrasensitive hTSH II Controls, 0.25, 6 and 30 μIU/mL.
許可證數量: 1
6 Bottle (4mL each) of AxSYM Ultrasensitive hTSH II Standard Calibrators, 0, 0.5, 2, 10, 40 and 100 μIU/mL.
許可證數量: 1
Anti-phenobarbital monoclonal antibody (mouse).
許可證數量: 1
Anti-theophylline monoclonal antibody (mouse) in buffer, pH7.5, with stabilizer and preservative.
許可證數量: 1
AxSYM LH Reagent Pack1.1 Bottle (7.5 mL) Anti-LH coated Microparticles in TRIS buffer.2.1 Bottle (14.2 mL) Anti-LH: Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated in TRIS buffer with protein stabilizers.3.1 Bottle (26.5 mL) TRIS buffer with
許可證數量: 1
AxSYM Salicylate Reagent Pack?1 Bottle (4.8mL) <0.01% Salicylate Fluorescein Tracer.?1 Bottle (3.5mL) <25% Salicylate Antiserum (Sheep and Rabbit).?1 Bottle (4.4mL) Pretreatment Solution.6 Bottles (2.5mL each) of XSYSTEMS Sal
許可證數量: 1
Cholesterin-Esterase (Microorganisms)≧0.295 U;Cholesterin-Oxidase(Brevi rec.E.coil)≧0.159 U; POD(horseradish)≧0.59 U;3.3',5.5'-Tetramethylbenzidin(Indicator)18.9μg; Puffer.
許可證數量: 1
CRYPTATE CONJUGATE (1 vial):Anti-calcitonin sheep polyclonal antibody conjugated with europium crytpate, buffer, bovine albumin, non-immunized mice immunoglobulins, potassium fluoride.XL665 CONJUGATE (1 vial):Anti-katacalcin
許可證數量: 1
Each test device contains a membrane coated with drug-protein conjugate and a colloidal gold conjugate pad coated with anti-drug antibody.
許可證數量: 1
Each vial of Anti-Cytokeratin (CAM 5.2) reagent contains 5mL (25ug/mL) of antihuman cytokeratin mouse monoclonal IgG2a antibody in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) with gelatin and 0.1% sodium azide (see Precautions).
許可證數量: 1
Fluorescein-labeled phenobarbital derivative.
許可證數量: 1
Fluorescein-labeled theophylline derivative in buffer, pH7.5, with stabilizer, surfactant, and preservative.
許可證數量: 1
Goat Anti-human Immunoglobulin A: 7.2 mLPhosphate Buffer: 19.8 mmol/L
許可證數量: 1
Higher alcohol anion surface active agent
許可證數量: 1
Higher alcohol nonionic surface active agent
許可證數量: 1
Higher fatty acid nonionic surface active agent
許可證數量: 1
Human serum with chemical additives and material of biological origin as specified.The origin of the biological additives is as follows:Analyte OriginALT(GPT) Porcine heartAST(GOT)
許可證數量: 1
IGU Antibody (processed goat sera) 3.9 mLIGU Antigen Excess Solution (processed diluted human serum) 1.2 mL
許可證數量: 1
Ingredients and concentration related to reactionsColor reaction sol (R-1): BCG 0.20 mmol/L Citrate buffer (containing a surfactand), pH 3.9 (25°C)
許可證數量: 1
Microwell plate, 12 microwell strips (which can be divided) in strip holder; coated with monoclonal antibodies (mouse) against adenovirusesSample dilution buffer: protein-buffered NaCl solution;contains 0.1% Kathon;Wash buffe
許可證數量: 1
Microwell plate, 12 microwell strips (which can be divided) in stripholder; coated with monoclonal antibodies (mouse) against rotavirusesSample-dilution buffer: protein-buffered NaCl solution; contains0.1% KathonWash buffer:
許可證數量: 1
R1 Reaction buffer Glycine buffer:170 mmol/L, pH8.0, polyethylene glycol 0.05%, bovine serum albumin, in vial B (liquid).R2=SR Latex particles coated with human IgG, glcine buffer: 170 mmol/L, pH7.3, in vial C (liquid).
許可證數量: 1
R1 Antibody reagent in vial A (liquid). Anti-amikacin monoclonal antibody (mouse).R2 Diluent in vial B (liquid).R3=SR Tracer reagent in vial C (liquid). Fluorescein-labeled amikacin derivative.
許可證數量: 1
R1 Antibody reagent in vial A and B (liquid).
許可證數量: 2
R1 Antibody reagent in vial A and B (liquid). Anti-phenytoin monoclonal antibody (mouse).R2=SR Tracer reagent in vial C (liquid). Fluorescein-labeled phenytoin derivative.
許可證數量: 1
R1:Antibody reagent in vial A and B (liquid).
許可證數量: 1
R2=SR Tracer reagent in vial C (liquid).
許可證數量: 1
R2=SR:Tracer reagent in vial C (liquid).
許可證數量: 1
Reactive components:HEPES buffered physiological saline solution containing 1% (w/v) bovine serum albumin.The origin of the biological additives is as follows:Analyte OriginFerritin h
許可證數量: 1
Reactive Ingredients:Aryl acyl amidase 0.30 U/cm2Potassium fericanide 0.18 mg/cm21-(3-sulfopropyl-1,2,3,4-tetrapydroquinoline) 0.10 mg/cm2
許可證數量: 1
Reactive IngredientsD1: 0.08 M Acetic acid, 0.64 M Diethylaminoethanol, and 0.01 M (Ethylenedinitrilo) tetraaceitc acidD2: NoneOther IngredientsD1: PolyvinylpyrrolidoneD2: Preservative, inorganic salt, surfactant
許可證數量: 1
REAGENT CONTAINED IN KIT:CYTO-TROL Control Cells5 vials (≧3.5×106 cells/vial)Reconstitution Buffer5×1 mL/vial
許可證數量: 1