1 vial of 125I-TBG(human);1 vial of sheep anti TBG anti serum;6 vials of TBG standards:horse serum ;1 vial of TBG control serum, 0.5ml lyophilized human serum;1 vial of polyethylene glycol solution
許可證數量: 1
1 vial: 3% cell suspension, highly reactive group A1 cells 1 vial: 3% cell suspension, potent group B cells. Phosphate-citrate buffered diluent EDTA disodium salt Chloramphenicol 1:3,000 Ne
許可證數量: 1
1, 2: Enzyme, 3, 4: Copper Sulfate, 5, 6: o-Cresol
許可證數量: 1
1.lite reagent, 2.solid phase
許可證數量: 1
1.Rubella IgM Bead Pack(L2RM12):200 beads2.Rubella IgM Reagent Wedge(L2RMA2):Two reagents:11.5 ml each3.Rubella IgM Adjustor(LRMR):One vial,4mL4.Rubella IgM Controls(LRMC1, LRMC2): LRMC1:One vial negative control, 2 mL LRM
許可證數量: 1
10 ampules, 3 ml each Reactive ingredients:160 mmol/l Na+, 7mmol/l K+, 120mmol/l Cl+
許可證數量: 1
125I tracer rabbit-anti-CEA antibody,< 170 kBq, 11.5ml buffer with bovine albumin, rabbit serum. test tubes coated with anti-CEA antibodies. CEA standards, per 0.5 ml human serum. CEA control serum, 0.5 ml human serum. Assay
許可證數量: 1
21042424190 6CC00003 9021042424 Cobas Core Reaction Tubes28078483001 6CC00025 9028078483 Needle Cassette21042416190 6CC00002 9021042416 Desiccant Pads28048762001 6CC00018 9028048762Rack Sample Assay (COBAS)28086834001 6CC0007
許可證數量: 1
3% suspension of A2,D(Rh0) negative, red blood cells
許可證數量: 1
activated charcoal, sodium ascorbate and other organic and inorganic compounds.
許可證數量: 1
ADH 15 U, NAD 4.9 μmoL, and Tris buffer 0.95 moL
許可證數量: 1
Alanine Aminitransferase Alkaline Phosphatase Amylase Aspartate Aminotransferase Cholinesterase Creatine Kinase Gamma Glutamyltransferase Lactate Dehydrogenase Lipase
許可證數量: 1
anti-hCG monoclonal antibody: 0.41μg、anti-mouse IgG polyclonal antibody:0.12μg、colloidal gold conjugate : 21.9 μl。
許可證數量: 1
ARCHITECT STAT Troponin-I Reagent Pack: MICROPARTICLES: Anti-tropnin-I (mouse, monoclonal) coated microparticles in TRIS buffer with protein (bovine and goat) stabilizers CONJUGATE: Anti-tropnin-I (mouse. Monoclonal) acridini
許可證數量: 1
ARCHITECT Total T3 Reagent Kit: 1 OR 4 Bottle(s) (6.6 ml/27.0 ml) Anti-T3 (sheep) coated Microparticles. 1 OR 4 Bottle(s) (5.9 ml/26.3 ml) T3 acridinium-labeled Conjugate. ARCHITECT Total, T3 Manual Diluent: 1 Bottles (5 ml),
許可證數量: 1
Blood Grouping Reagent Anti-D (Anti-Rho) is a low- protein reagent prepared from human monoclonal IgM anti-D and human serum containing IgG anti-D.
許可證數量: 1
CMV IgG Bead Pack: 200beads, coated with inactivated,partially purified CMV antigen (strain AD-169 from infected cell lysates).CMV IgG Reagent Wedge: Two reagents: 11.5 mL buffer solution, 11.5 mL alkaline phosphatase (bovine
許可證數量: 1
COATED TUBES : Polyclonal anti-progesterone antibody coated to the bottom of the tube. PROGESTERONE- 125I : Progesterone labelled with iodine, buffer. O STANDARD : Human serum. STANDARD A TO F : Human serum, human progesteron
許可證數量: 1
COATED TUBES: Anti-aldosterone antibody coated on the bottom of the tube. ALDOSTERONE 125I: 125I labelled aldosterone. STANDARD 0 STANDARDS CONTROL
許可證數量: 1
COATED TUBES: Monoclonal anti-human osteocalcin antibody coated on th bottom of the tube. ANTI-OSTEO 125I: 125I monoclonal anti-human osteocalcin antibody, buffer, bovine albumin. STANDARD 0: Buffer, bovine albumin. STANDARDS
許可證數量: 1
Cortisol Bead Pack coated with polyclonal rabbit anti-cortisol. Cortisol Reagent Wedge alkaline phosphatase conjugated to cortisol in buffer. Cortisol Adjustors Two vials (Low and High), of cortisol in processed human serum.
許可證數量: 1
DF34 reagent: 1-3:Anti-CRP coated Particle glycine, SDS Microbial Inhibitors 4-6:Buffer, PEG Microbial Inhibitors DC34:containing bovine serum albumin,human serum base product with added human C-Reactive Protein
許可證數量: 1
DR596 Staphylase Test Reagent Consists of rabbit fibrogen-sensitized sheep red blood cells. DR597 Staphylase Control Reagent Consists of unsensitized sheep red blood cells. Di
許可證數量: 1
ELSA TUBES:Anti-human PTH monoclonal antibody coated on ELSA fixed to the bottom of the tube. ANTI-PTH 125I:125I anti-PTH polyclonal antibodies. STANDARD 0 STANDARDS CONTROL TWEEN 20
許可證數量: 1
ELSA: Anti-ACTH monoclonal antibodies coated on the ELSA fixed at the bottom of the tube. 125I ANTI-ACTH: 125I Anti-ACTH monoclonal antibody, buffer, bovine albumin. STANDARDS: Synthetic human ACTH 1-39 and calf serum. 0 - 20
許可證數量: 1
ELSA:Monoclonal anti-CA 15-3 antibody coated on the ELSA fixed at the bottom of the tube. ANTI-CA 15-3 125I : Anti-CA 15-3 125I monoclonal antibody, buffer, calf serum. STANDARDS:Human CA 15-3 antigen, buffer, horse serum, bo
許可證數量: 1
Enaygnost Anti-VZV/IgG Test Plate: Microtitration plate coated with inactivated VZV antigen. Anti-Human IgG/POD Conjugate:F(ab),fragment of a rabbit antibody to himan IgG, conjugated with peroxidase contained in 0.05 molar Tr
許可證數量: 1
Estradiol Ab-Coated Tubes (TE21):Polypropylene tubes coated with rebbit antibodies to estradiol. 125I Estradiol (TE22):Iodinated synthetic estradiol in liquid. Estradiol Calibrators (TE23-9):0, 20, 50, 150, 500, 1800 and 3600
許可證數量: 1
Free T4 Ab-Coated Tubes (TF41): Polypropylene tubes coated with antibodies to thyroxin. 125I Free T4 (TF42): consisting of an iodinated thyroxin analog. Free T4 Calibrators (F4C3-9): human serum, labeled A to G.
許可證數量: 1
Free T4 Test Units: bead coated with monoclonal murine anti-T4 antibody. Free T4 Reagent Wedges:7.5 mL alkaline phosphatase (bovine calf intestine) conjugated to T4 in buffer. Free T4 Adjustors: Two vials (Low and High) of l
許可證數量: 1
許可證數量: 2
GI-MA Bead Pack coated with murine monoclonal anti-CA 19-9 antibody. GI-MA Reagent Wedge protein-based buffer. 11.5 mL alkaline phosphatase conjugated to murine monoclonal anti-CA 19-9 antibody in buffer GI-MA Adjustors Two v
許可證數量: 1
Glucose oxidase(Aspergillus sp.)........2.9IU Horseradish peroxidase................4.7IU 8-anilino-1-napthalenesulfonic acid, ammonium salt..............19.9 μg N-[sulfonyl-m-sodium bendzene sulfonate]-3-methyl-2-benzothiazo
許可證數量: 1
HEPES buffered physiological saline solution containing 1% (w/v) bovine serum albumin
許可證數量: 1
Intact PHT Reagent: 200 beads, coated with affinity-purified murine monoclonal anti-PTH (44-84) antibody. 11.5 mL alkaline phosphatase (bovine calf intestine) conjugated to affinity-purified goat polyclonal anti-PTH (1-34) in
許可證數量: 1
Lipoprotein Lipase, ATP, Glycerol kinase, Glycerol-3-Phosphate-oxidase, 4-aminoantipyrine, 4-chlorophenol, Peroxidase, Mg2+, and Buffer
許可證數量: 1
liquid animal sera and are produced by immunization of rabbits with highly purified human immunoglobulin (IgG, IgA, IgM).
許可證數量: 1
lite reagent, solid phase, releasing agnet
許可證數量: 1
M Streptavidin-coated microparticles R1 Anti-CA15-3-Ab~biotin R2 Anti-CA15-3-Ab~Ru(bpy)32+ Cal 1:CA15-3 in a human serum matrix Cal 2:CA15-3 in a human serum matrix
許可證數量: 1
Main Reagent Composition : Glucose oxidase 12.5 U Control Solution : Control Solution 1 : glucose 96 mg/dl Control Solution 2 : glucose 215 mg/dl
許可證數量: 1
MS Microwells、 TCW Concentrated Wash、 SD Specimen Diluent、 SB Substrate Buffer、 SS Stopping Solution、 AG Conjugate、 PN PNPP Substrate、 PC Postitive Serum Control、 NC Negative Serum Control、 PS Plate Sealers
許可證數量: 1
NADPH, a-KG, Activator, Buffer, and GLDH
許可證數量: 1
R1 Anti-IgM T antiserum (rabbit) specific for human IgM in phosphate buffer stabilized with 0.09% sodium azide in vial B (liquid). R2 Reagent for antigen excess check. IgM in diluted serum (human) stabilized wi
許可證數量: 1
許可證數量: 1
R1:Latex coated with monoclonal Ab specific for HbA1c, HEPPS, Sodium chloride, and BSA. R2:phosphate, and tensides R3=SR:BSA, formate, and agglutinator
許可證數量: 1
Radioactive Tracer“2 vials containing 11 ml of iodinated thyroglobulin. Calibrator 0 Calibrator 1 to 5“5 vials containing 0.7 ml of anti-Tg (Human serum ). Controls:2 vials containing 0.7 ml of anti-Tg (Human serum). Coated t
許可證數量: 1
Reactive ingredients per cm2 Arsenazo III dye 60 μg.
許可證數量: 1
Reactive Ingredients Reagent 1 (R1): None Reagent 2 (R2): Goat antisera to human IgM 1 mL/mL Other Ingredients Reagent 1 (R1): Preservative, polymer, buffer, inorganic salt Reagent 2 (R2): Preservative, buffer, inorganic salt
許可證數量: 1
Reagent pack containing : .100 coated wells (donkey anti-sheep) .11.7 mL conjugate reagent (HRP-T3) .11.7 mL assay reagent (sheep anti-T3) Calibrator Pack containing: .1 set of tatal T3 calibrators 1,2 and 3 (T3 in human seru
許可證數量: 1
Reagent pack: .100 coated wells (streptavidin, binds≧3 ng biotin/well). .10.0 mL conjugated reagent (HRP-labeled progesterone,70 ng/mL) in buffer with antimicrobial agent. .10.0 mL biotinylated antibody reagent (biotin-rabbit
許可證數量: 1