IMx AFP Specimen Diluent1 Bottle (100mL) IMx AFP Specimen Diluent, buffer calf serum.
許可證數量: 1
IMx PAP Calibrators 6 Bottles (4mL each) of IMx PAP Calibrators are prepared with PAP (Human) in phosphate buffer with protein stabilizer (Bovine).
許可證數量: 1
IMx PAP Controls 3 Bottles (8mL each) of IMx PAP Controls are prepared with PAP (Human) in phosphate buffer with protein stabilizers (Bovine).
許可證數量: 1
Imx PAP MODE 1 Calibrator 3 Bottles (4mL each) MODE 1 Calibrator (C).
許可證數量: 1
IMx PAP Reagent Pack, 100 Tests 1. 1 Bottle (6.2mL) Anti-PAP (Mouse, Monoclonal) Coated Microparticles in TRIS buffer. 2. 1 Bottle (10.2mL) Anti-PAP (Mouse, Monoclonal): Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugate in TRIS buffer with prot
許可證數量: 1
IMx PAP Specimen Diluent 1 Bottle (100mL) IMx PAP Specimen Diluent, TRIS buffer with protein stabilizers (Bovine and Murine).
許可證數量: 1
IMx PAP Tablets 1 Bottle (100 tablets) IMx PAP tablets, PAP specimen stabilizer.
許可證數量: 1
Inhibitor, Biotinylated, StreptAvidin HRP, DAB, DAB H202, Copper。
許可證數量: 1
Lactate oxidase:0.2 kU/l Peroxidase:1 kU/l Good’s Buffer (pH 7.0) :50 mmol/l 4-aminoantipyrine:0.1 mmol/l TOOS*:0.3 mmol/l N-ethyl-N-(2-hydroxy-3-sulfopropyl)-3-methylaniline Preservative
許可證數量: 1
許可證數量: 1
LH Bead Pack (L2LH12): beads, coated with monoclonal murine anti-LH. LH Reagent Wedge (L2LHA2): alkaline phosphatase (bovine calf intestine) conjugated to polyclonal goat anti-LH in buffer. LH Adjustors (LLHL, LLHH): (Low and
許可證數量: 1
Low D-D Control: 5 vials×1 mL of a lyophilized solution of D-Dimer partially purified from human fibrin digested with human plasmin containing bovine serum albumin. High D-D Control: 5 vials×1 mL of a lyophilized solution of
許可證數量: 1
Lyophilized, buffered human plasma containing protein stabilizers in which Factor II, VII, IX, and X have been selectively reduced.
許可證數量: 1
Microplate Strips (coated with human recombinant Cytochrome P450 2D6) Calibrators (LKM1 antibody calibrators at concentrations of 0-1-3-10-30-100 U/ml in PBS containing BSA, sodium azide, detergent and human serum) Positive
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Microplate Strips (coated with recombinant plasma dsDNA) Calibrators(ds DNA antibody calibrators at concentrations of 0 - 12.5 - 25 - 50 - 100 - 200 IU/ml in PBS containing BSA and human monoclonal antibodies) Positive Contro
許可證數量: 1
Microplate Strips(coated with human purified β2-glycoprotein I antigen) Calibrators(β2-glycoprotein I IgG antibody calibrators at concentrations of 0 - 4 - 8 - 20 - 50 - 100 U/ml in PBS containing BSA and human serum) Positiv
許可證數量: 1
MODE 1 CAL 1 Bottle (4mL) IMx AFP MODE 1 Calibrator is AFP in pooled human serum.
許可證數量: 1
N Antisera produced by immunization of rabbits with highly purified human ceruloplasmin.
許可證數量: 1
PAPP-A Reagent: Test Units: Each barcode-labeled unit contains one bead coated with monoclonal murine anti-PAPP-A. 7.5 mL alkaline phosphatase (bovine calf intestine). Reagent Wedge: conjugated to monoclonal murine anti-PAPP
許可證數量: 1
Particle Reagent、Buffer、Antibody、0.5N NaOH
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許可證數量: 1
Phenytoin Test Units(LPN1):Each barcode-labled unit contains one bead coated with polyclonal rabbit antiphenytoin antibody Phenytoin Reagent Wedge(LPN2):6.5mL alkaline phosphatase (bovine calf intestine)conjugated to phenytoi
許可證數量: 1
Plastic Forceps Plastic Forceps, 2 per package.
許可證數量: 1
R1 EA Solution enzyme acceptor (microbial): 0.22 g/l; anti-tobramycin antibody (mouse monoclonal): 25.5 mg/l; 3-(N-morpholino) propanesulfonic acid (MOPS) buffer; buffer salts; surfactant; carrier protein.R2 E D Soluti
許可證數量: 1
R1 : ( PEPC (microbial) >9.25 μkat/L ) ; ( MDH (porcine) >92.5 μkat/L ) ; NADH analog 0.8 mmol/L ; PEP >16.7 mmol/L.) buffer ; stabilizer ; preservative
許可證數量: 1
R1: TRIS buffer: 50 mmol/L, pH8.0; PEG: 4.2%; EDTA: 2.0 mmol/L; preservative. R2: Polyclonal anti-human albumin antibodies (sheep): dependent on titer; TRIS buffer: 100 mmol/L, pH7.2; preservative.
許可證數量: 1
許可證數量: 1
Reactive components: Myoglobin (human) Non-reactive components: Bovine serum albumin,preservatives,stabilizers.
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Reagent Solution: MES buffer (pH 6.0): 36 mmol/l CNPG3: 1.6mmol/l Calcium acetate: 3.6 mmol/l Sodium chloride: 37 mmol/l Potassium thiocyanate: 253 mmol/l
許可證數量: 1
Reagent: Phosphate buffer, 4-Aminophenazone, Phenol, Glucose oxidase, Peroxidase, Mutarotase, Stabilizers. Standard: Glucose, 3mL.
許可證數量: 1
Reagents-working solutionsR1 TRIS buffer:20 mmol/L, pH8.0; NaCl:200 mmol/L; polyethylene glycol:3.6%; preservative and stabilizers.R2 Anti-human IgG antibody(goat):dependent on titer; TRIS buffer:20 mmol/L, pH8.0; NaCl:150
許可證數量: 1
Reagents: 2 reagent cartridges; Each cartridge contains: 1. Salicylate NADH Reagent: NADH 9.3 mL 2. Salicylate Enzyme Reagent: Salicylate Hydroxylase 4.6 mL Calibrators: one bottle; Sodium Salicylate 5 mL.
許可證數量: 1
Reagents: R1: TRIS buffer*: 20 mmolL, pH 8.0; NaCl: 200 mmol/L; polyethylene glycol: 3.6%; R2: Anti-human IgM antibody (goat): dependent on titer; TRIS buffer*: 20 mmol/L, pH 8.0; NaCl: 150 mmol/L.
許可證數量: 1
Test Units:Each barcode-labeled unit contains one bead coated with monoclonal murine antiphenobarbital antibody.Reagent Wedge:With barcode. 6.5 mL alkaline phosphatase (bovine calf intestine) conjugated to phenobarbital in bu
許可證數量: 1
The reaction strip contains dye-conjugated and immobilized antibodies in a protein matrix.
許可證數量: 1
TSH Bead Pack (L2TS12): beads coated with monoclonal murine anti-TSH antibody. TSH Reagent Wedge (L2TSA2): Alkaline phosphatase (bovine calf intestine) conjugated to polyclonal goat anti-TSH antibody in buffer. TSH A
許可證數量: 1
UA 1:N-ethyl-N-(2-hydroxy-3-sulfoproply)-m-toluidine sodium salt(TOOS, 0.75 mmol/L) ascorbate oxidase peroxidase 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid buffer(75 mmol/L, pH6.9) UA 2 :urica
許可證數量: 1
Working solution concentration R1 Serum Blank Reagent Sodium chloride: 152 mmol/l R2 Salicylate Reagent Ferric nitrate: 24.8 mmol/l; Nitric acid : 74.9 mmol/l
許可證數量: 1
PreciNeg PreciPos Drug Arnphetamines (d-amphetamine) 375 ng/mL 625 ng/mL
許可證數量: 1
(1)ADVIA Centaur FER:lite reagent,solid phase (2)ACS:180 FER:lite reagent,solid phase lite reagent:polyclonal goat anti-ferritin antibody labeled with acridinium ester in HEPET buffer solid phase:monoclonal mouse anti-ferriti
許可證數量: 1
1. DHEA-SO4 Bead Pack (L2DS12):200 beads, coated with polyclonal rabbit anti-DHEA-SO4.2. DHEA-SO4 Reagent Wedge (L2DSA2):11.5 mL alkaline phosphatase (bovine calf intestine) conjugated to DHEA-SO4 in a human protein-based mat
許可證數量: 1
1. Goat anti mouse IgG 2. Goat anti α-CG 3. Mab anti β-CG CGC
許可證數量: 1
1. AxSYM Cortisol Reagent Pack: .1 Bottle (10mL) Cortisol Fluorescein Tracer in buffer containing surfactant and stabilizers. .1 Bottle (5mL) Cortisol Antiserum (Mouse Monoclonal and Goat Polylconal) in buffer with protein s
許可證數量: 1
1. Buffers 2. Surfactant 3. Preservative 4. Deionized water
許可證數量: 1
1. Goat anti mouse IgG 2. LH BSA 3. Mab anti LH CGC
許可證數量: 1
1.Free T3 Test Units (LF31) Each unit contains one bead coated with monoclonal murine anti-T3 antibody. 2. Free T3 Reagent Wedges (LF3Al, LF3B): LF3A: Two wedges. 7.5 mL ligand-labeled T3 analog in buffer
許可證數量: 1
3.8 % Sodium Citrate
許可證數量: 1
4-Aminoantipyrine 0.30 mmol/l Phenol 6 mmol/l Peroxidase ≥0.5 U/ml Cholesterol esterase ≥0.15 U/ml Cholesterol oxidase ≥ 0.1 U/ml Pipes Buffer 80 mmol/l; pH 6.8
許可證數量: 1
Access GI Monitor Reagent: R1a: Paramagnetic particles, coated with goat polyclonal anti-biotin antibody, bovine serum albumin, <0.1% sodium azide and 0.1% ProClin300. R1b: Mouse monoclonal anti-CA 19-9 antigen-alkaline phosp
許可證數量: 1
AL7930: R1. Enzyme、 Tris buffer、 L-alanine、 R2. α-oxoglutarate/Coenzyme、 α-oxoglutarate、 NADH、 LD; AL485: 1. Buffer/Substrate、 Phosphate buffer、 L-alanine; 2. Enzyme/Coenzyme/α-oxoglutarate、 LD、 NADH、 α-oxoglutarate
許可證數量: 1